Understanding counting using multinomial coefficients


I'm studying Chapter 1 of Ross A First Course in Probability Theory (8th Edition) and I'm grappling with multinomial coefficients. All given examples come from this chapter. Specifically $${n \choose n_1 … n_r}=\frac{n!}{n_1! … n_r!}$$ gives the number of ways to choose groups of objects of sizes $n_1, …, n_r$ where $\sum_{i=1}^{i=r} n_i = n$. Then we have the following 3 examples:

  1. 10 officers are to be divided as follows. 5 on patrol, 2 at the station and 3 in reserve. In how many ways can this be done? The answer is of course $$\frac{10!}{5!2!3!}$$

  2. 10 kids are to be divided into two teams A and B of size 5 each where each team will play in a separate division. In how many ways can this be done? Again, the answer is similar to what we'd expect $$\frac{10!}{5!5!}$$

  3. 10 kids divide themselves up into two teams of 5 to play basketball at the playground. In how many ways can this be done. This is where my confusion begins.

The example says the answer is $$(\frac{10!}{5!5!})/2!$$ because even though this looks like the previous problem, it is different since the order doesn't matter here.

Firstly, it looks exactly the same. I do not see why order matters in EITHER of examples #$2$ and #$3$. Secondly, example #$1$ looks exactly like the situation of example #$2$ except with $3$ groups instead of $2$ so, if order mattered in example #$2$, then it should have mattered in example #$1$, no?.

So, my question: What am I missing here? Any feedback is much appreciated.

Best Answer

Maybe it's easier to see with a simpler example:

2 kids, Amanda and Ling, are to be divided into two teams A and B of size 1 ...

This is counting these combinations separately:

  • Team A: {Amanda}; Team B: {Ling}.
  • Team A: {Ling}; Team B: {Amanda}.

Thus we get $$\frac{2!}{1!\ 1!} = 2$$ possibilities.

2 kids, Amanda and Ling, divide themselves up into two teams of 1 to play basketball at the playground

This is counting both possibilities above as the same thing. Or in other words, it only counts this possibility:

  • Team: {Amanda}. Team: {Ling}.

Thus we get $$\frac{2!}{1!\ 1!} / 2! = 1$$ possibility.

Now just replace 2 with 10, and 1 with 5.