Understanding Big O notation – discrete math

discrete mathematics

I have questions with the solutions below but I'm still having trouble understanding how to solve these problems?

Like for a) I don't understand how 17$n^2$ + 4𝑛 got turned into 17$n^2$ + 4$n^2$. I also don't know what happened to the -3 for the first part of the inequality?

I'd really appreciate it if someone could walk me through the general solution of how to solve these types of questions.

enter image description here

Additionally, I was also wondering what difference would it make if the O was a Ω symbol instead? I've seen similar questions in my textbook like 4$n^2$ + 3𝑛log𝑛 + 7$n^3$ is Ω($n^3$) and was wondering what difference would this make in the solution?

Best Answer

When you are working a Big-O bound, you are free to replace a term by anything larger. E.g. in $$-3+17n^2+4n$$ they replaced $-3$ by $0$ and $4n$ by $4n^2$ to get a simpler expression.

(Note that every term could have been replaced by $175n^4$ as well, giving an $O(n^4)$ bound, but this is less tight. Also note that the replacement need not be larger for all $n$, only as of some $n_0$.)

For an $\Omega$ bound, you are free to replace a term by a smaller one.

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