Understanding a topology on real line


In general topology by Wiilard, He mentioned in the exercises to the Looped line topology defines as follows: At each point $x$ of the real line other than the origin, the basic neighbourhoods of $x$ will be the usual open intervals centred at $x$. Basic neighbourhoods of the origin will be the sets: $(-\epsilon, \epsilon) \cup (-\infty, -n) \cup (n, \infty)$, for all possible choices $\epsilon > 0$ and $n \in \mathbb{N}$. If there is another that it mentions to Looped line topology?

Also, in, The looped line topology (Willard #4D), the user was asked to verify that the Looped line is a topology.

Done so far. I was able to see that it is $T_2$, compact, by using the definition. Also, it is metrizable since it is regular and second countable.

Interested in. I would like to see the reason why it is homomorphic to extend topology on the real line, $[-\infty, \infty].$

Attempt. I was trying to send $-\infty$ and $\infty$ to $0$ and send other points to themself but I could not finish.

Any help?

Best Answer

Let $L$ be the image of the map $\beta: (-\pi,\pi) \to \Bbb R^2$, a "lemniscate", where $\beta(t)=(\sin 2t, \sin t)$, see this question for a picture. Define the map $f: \Bbb R \to L$ by $\beta(2\arctan(x))$ and note that this is continuous (reals in the usual topology), and 1-1.

Also let $Y = [-\infty,+\infty]{/}\{-\infty, +\infty,0\}$ in the quotient topology induced by the identification map $q: [-\infty,+\infty]$ that identifies the three points, and the extended reals have their standard topology with basic neighbourhoods $[-\infty, n), n \in \Bbb Z$ for the left end point and $(n,+\infty]$ for the right end point. We can extend $f$ to $\hat{f}: [-\infty,+\infty] \to L$ by defining $\hat{f}(\pm \infty) = 0$ as well, which is continuous and then $Y \simeq L$ as $q$ factorises through it.

There remains a simple verification that $L \simeq \Bbb R$ where the latter has this looped line topology. $f$ essentially becomes the homeomorphism.