Understanding a basic ergodic theory physical analogy


The following excerpt is from the Wikipedia article on ergodic theory:

Ergodic theory is often concerned with ergodic transformations. The intuition behind such transformations, which act on a given set, is that they do a thorough job "stirring" the elements of that set. E.g. if the set is a quantity of hot oatmeal in a bowl, and if a spoonful of syrup is dropped into the bowl, then iterations of the inverse of an ergodic transformation of the oatmeal will not allow the syrup to remain in a local subregion of the oatmeal, but will distribute the syrup evenly throughout. At the same time, these iterations will not compress or dilate any portion of the oatmeal: they preserve the measure that is density.
The formal definition is as follows:

Let $ T: X \rightarrow X$ be a measure-preserving transformation on a measure space $(X, \Sigma, \mu)$, with $\mu(X)=1$. Then $T$ is ergodic if for every $E $ in $\Sigma$ with $\mu(T^{-1}(E) \Delta E)=0$, either $\mu(E)=0$ or $\mu(E)=1$,

How could I formalize pouring the syrup into my oatmeal? Would I describe the oatmeal by a density function in $\mathbb{R}^n$? Say $\mu$ is Lebesgue measure on $\mathbb{R}^n$, then I have some density describing the location of the oatmeal, say $\rho d\mu$. Would the transformation be ergodic w.r.t. $$m(A) =\int_A fd\mu$$ or with resepct to $\mu$? When I describe the combination of the syrup and the oatmeal, would this create a new density at time $t$? This is confusing as I would assume the oatmeal and syrup have their own densities so I am unsure which measure the transformation is ergodic with respect to.

Best Answer

When you pour a glop of syrup into your oatmeal, the contents of the bowl can be modelled as a set $X$ broken into a disjoint union of two measurable subsets $X = S \sqcup O$: $S$ represents the glop of syrup; and $O$ represents the original oatmeal.

Letting $\chi_S,\chi_O : X \to \{0,1\}$ be the characteristic functions, we have $\chi_S(x)+\chi_O(x)=1$ for all $x \in X$.

The volume measure on $X$ can be modelled as Lebesgue measure $\mu$ restricted to $X$, and normalized so that $\mu(X)=1$. You could then express both the syrup and the oatmeal as densities $\chi_S d\mu$, $\chi_O d\mu$.

The transformation itself is being modelled (somewhat unrealistically) as a measure preserving bijection $T : X \to X$.

I do not know what you mean by $f$, it is not otherwise mentioned in your post. But what I'll say is that $\mu$ itself is invariant under the transformation $T$, and so $\mu(A) = \mu(T(A))$ for all $A$, which can be written as $\int_A d\mu = \int_{T(A)} d\mu$.

One key point of ergodicity, as applied to this "syrup/oatmeal" picture, is that neither $S$ nor $O$ is invariant under $T$: neither $\mu(T^{-1}(S) \Delta S)$ nor $\mu(T^{-1}(O) \Delta O)$ is zero. To put it another way neither of the two characteristic functions $\chi_S$, $\chi_O$ is invariant under $T$.

Nonetheless, as one iterates $T$ more and more (as one stirs the oatmeal more and more), the real key point is that function $\chi_S \circ T^{-n}$ has a limit in some appropriate sense, that limit is $T$-invariant, and that limit is actually the constant function $\mu(S)$ with associated distribution $\mu(S) d\mu$ ($T$ will "distribute the syrup evenly throughout"). For this to work one has to take the limit of the function sequence $\chi_S \circ T^{-n}$ very carefully, usually in $L^2(X)$ or $L^1(X)$.

By the way, I have written my answer under the assumption that $T$ is a bijection, which allows me to be careless and write things like $\chi_S \circ T^{-n}$. One can certainly be more careful and rewrite all of this in the general case that $T$ is not a bijection.

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