Understand the concept of the Picard mapping

ordinary differential equations

The texts below are from Ordinary Differential Equations by Arnol'd

Consider the differential equation $\dot{\boldsymbol{x}} =
defined by a vector field
$\boldsymbol{v}$ in some domain of the extended phase space
$\mathbf{R}^{n+1}$. We define the Picard mapping to be the mapping
$A$ that takes the function $\varphi:t \to \boldsymbol{x}$ to the
function $A \phi: t \to \boldsymbol{x}$ where $$ (A \varphi)(t) =
\boldsymbol{x}_0+ \int_{t_0}^t \boldsymbol{v}(\tau,\varphi(\tau))d\tau $$

And the book says the following
Texts from the book

I can't understand this geometrical representation at all. How does the tangent for each $t$ be parallel to $\varphi$? What does it mean "for then $A \varphi$ would be a solution"? A solution of what?

Any help is appreciated!!

Best Answer

Let's take a simple analogy: The equation $ax=\tan x$ can be seen as a fixed-point equation with iteration $x_{k+1}=\frac1{a}\tan x_k$. However, in general this iteration does not converge or even stay bounded. Now with a simple transformation using the inverse tangent, one gets a family of fixed-point iterations $x_{k+1}=n\pi+\arctan(ax)$ which converges very nicely for every $n\ne 0$.

With differential equations it is the same, any fixed-point form of the equation $x'=v(t,x)$ that contains the derivative contains with it an operation that is unbounded, even more, you would have difficulties to find a space where it could be a fixed-point iteration. Inverting the differentiation by integration, $x(t)=x(0)+\int_0^t v(s,x(s))ds$, results in a fixed-point operator that maps continuous functions to continuous functions, so the space question is trivially solved. The "smoothing" properties of the integration also lead to the contraction property that one needs for convergence.

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