Understand how delta was chosen in this application of epsilon-delta definition of a limit


The following example is from the OpenStax book Calculus 1.

Prove that $\lim_{x \to -1} (x^2-2x+3) = 6$

  1. Let $\epsilon > 0$.

  2. Choose $\delta = \min \{1, \epsilon/5 \}$. This choice of $\delta$ […] was obtained by taking a look at our ultimate desired inequality: $|(x^2-2x+3)-6| < \epsilon$. This inequality is equivalent to $|x+1||x-3| < \epsilon$. At this point, the temptation simply to choose $\delta = \frac{\epsilon}{x-3}$ is very strong. Unfortunately, our choice of $\delta$ must only depend on $\epsilon$ alone. If we can replace $|x-3|$ by a numerical value, our problem can be resolved. This is the place where assuming $\delta \le 1$ comes into play. The choice of $\delta \le 1$ here is arbitrary. […] Now since $\delta \le 1$, and $|x+1| < \delta \le 1$, we are able to show that $|x-3| < 5$. Consequently, $|x+1||x-3| < |x+1|5$. At this point we realize that we also need $\delta \le \epsilon/5$. Thus, we choose $\delta = \min\{1, \epsilon/5\}$.

  3. […]

  • I follow until the bold part. I get that $\delta$ can only depend on $\epsilon$, not on some additional variable like $x$. I also get that if we could have a numerical value in the denominator instead of $x-3$, then we could be good to go.
  • Everything after that part mystifies me. Why we end up with $\delta = \min \{1, \epsilon/5 \}$ is not clear to me, neither how we came up with the $1$ nor where the $5$ is coming from.

Could someone provide more background to this approach of finding $\delta$ here?

Best Answer

This is a bit too long for a comment: Start by assuming you are given some $\varepsilon > 0$. Then, if you have found a suitable $\delta$, for any $x$ satisfying $|x+1|<\delta$ we would have, $$|x^2-2x+3-6| = |(x-3)(x+1)| < \delta |x-3| $$ But if $|x+1| < \delta$ then $|x-3|$ cannot be too big either: in fact you have $$|x-3| = |x+1 - 4| < |x+1| + 4 < \delta + 4,$$ and taking the two inequalities together gives, $$ |x^2-2x+3-6| < \delta(\delta +4).$$ Now you just have to find some $\delta$ so the right hand side is less than $\varepsilon$. You could try playing with some numbers here, but it is not difficult to see that if $\delta$ is less than both $\frac{1}{5} \varepsilon$ and less than $1$ (which is the same as saying it is less than the minimum) you get what you need.

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