Unbounded self-adjoint operator approximation by bounded operators


Consider an unbounded, self-adjoint operator $(T,D(T))$, on a separable Hilbert space $H$. We try to approximate $T$ by its truncation, that is, $T_{n}=P_{n}TP_{n}$, where $P_{n}$ is the projection operator to subspace $span(e_{1},…,e_{n})$. In the strong operator topology(SOT), is $T_{n}$ converges to $T$ strongly? I know that every bounded operator can be approximated by finite rank operator in SOT, does that hold for self-adjoint unbounded operator?

Best Answer

You refer to approximation by bounded operators in the title but in the text you seem to switch to approximation by finite rank operators. Nevertheless, here is a positive answer for the question implied by the title.

Every self-adjoint operator $T$ on a (henceforth assumed separable) Hilbert space is unitarily conjugated to a multiplication operator on $L^2(X)$, where $X$ is a measure space. That is, there is a measurable real function $\varphi $ on $X$ such that $$ D(T) = \{f\in L^2(X): \varphi f\in L^2(X)\} $$ and $T(f)=\varphi f$, for every $f$ in $D(T)$.

For each $n\in {\mathbb N}$, let $X_n=\{x\in X:|\varphi (x)|\leq n\}$, and let $T_n$ be the operator of multiplication by $1_n\varphi $, where $1_n$ denotes the characteristic function of $X_n$. Since $1_n\varphi $ is a bounded function, it is clear that $T_n$ is a bounded operator.

Moreover $T_n (f)\to T(f)$, for every $f$ in $D(T)$. This follows from $$ \|T(f)-T_n(f)\|^2 = \int_X\big |\big (\varphi (x)-1_n(x)\varphi (x)\big )f(x)\big |^2 dx \to 0, $$ thanks to the Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem.