Types of undefined for removable discontinuities and vertical asymptotes


Consider this rational function:

f(x) = \frac{x^2 – 2x – 24}{x^2 + 10x + 24}

I have been taught that to solve for a removable discontinuity, I find the $x$ values such that both the numerator and denominator are equal to $0$; and to solve for vertical asymptotes, I find the $x$ values that make just the denominator equal to zero. So:

f(x) = \frac{(x-6)(x+4)}{(x+6)(x+4)} = \frac{x-6}{x+6}, \quad x \neq -4

What this means is that we have a vertical asymptote at $x = -6$ and a removable discontinuity at $x = -4$. Great. I can compute these.

But why?

We have two kinds of undefined here, $f(x_0) = \frac{0}{0}$ and $f(x_0) = \frac{g(x)}{0}$. Why do these result in different types of undefined behavior?

Best Answer

Let's be a bit careful with the term undefined, since it has a bit more of a precise meaning than the one you've used in your question.

You correctly observe that $f(-4) = \frac 0 0$ and $f(-6) = \frac{g(x)}0$. Why are they different? The reality is that $\frac 0 0 $ is actually indeterminate, meaning that it does not have an established value, instead of being undefined, which would imply having no value.

Hence, the case of $\frac 0 0 $ is interesting because it implies that there could exist a whole range of values that a function that approaches such a fraction could approach, since it all depends on how fast the numerator and denominator approach 0. In other words, removing the terms that take the function to zero in essence is us recognizing that these terms approach zero at the same rate, and at all points near -4, we can ignore them.

On the other hand, approaching a fraction of $\frac {g(x_0)}0$ where $g(x_0)$ is non-zero means that the function must approach either $\pm\infty$, since there are no ways for any value to exist and be equal to that fraction.

This is some rough intuition, but should shine some light on the difference between removable discontinuities and asymptotes.