Type of singularity at $z=0$ in $(e^z)/(z+ \sin(z))$


I want to know as to whether a singularity can be removable as well as a pole. If we take the complex function $f(z)= (e^z)/(z+ \sin(z))$ and consider the singularity at $z=0$ then on the face of it, it looks like a simple pole as the denominator has a simple zero at $z=0$.
Now to evaluate the residue we will have to consider the limit $(ze^z/(z+ \sin(z))$ as $z$ tends to $0$. To compute this limit we will have to define $\sin(z)/z$ as $z$ tends to $0$ as $1$. The limit comes out to be $1/2$. Am I being correct in calling this singularity a pole. My confusion arises
from the aforementioned definition of $\sin(z)/z$ as $z$ tends to $0$ which is done in case of removable singularities.

Best Answer

It sounds to me as if you’re slightly confused about limits. In particular, the sentence “To compute this limit we will have to define $\sin(z)/z$ as $z$ tends to $0$ as $1$” makes no sense. No definition is required here (beyond the general definition of the term “limit”); the limit of $\frac{\sin z}z$ for $z\to0$ is $1$. The expression $\frac{\sin z}z$ is undefined at $z=0$. You can define it to be $1$ there if you like, but that’s not necessary in order to find that its limit for $z\to0$ is $1$.

Everything else that you wrote is correct. The denominator has a simple zero at $z=0$, and thus the function has a simple pole there, and the residue at this pole is $\frac12$, as you correctly determined by finding the limit of $zf(z)$.