Two variables limit that confused the intuition and can’t figure out why the intuition is wrong.


Background on how I got the intuition:

I have recently learnt about two variable limits, and my professor gave us a tip that whenever we have two homogenous polynomials in the denominator and numerator, with $(0,0)$ being the only problematic point, then we can decide if the limit exists and equal to zero or DNE, based on the powers. and we got some examples:

$\lim_{(x,y)\to (0,0)}\frac{xy^2}{x^2+y^4}$, DNE because the power in the denominator is $4$ and numerator $3$.
$\lim_{(x,y)\to (0,0)}\frac{xy^2}{x^2+y^2}=0$, because the power in the numerator is bigger than the denominator.
Basically if the power of the numerator is higher than the power of the denominator, the limit exists and equal zero, else it DNE.

The Limit that confused me:

$\lim_{(x,y)\to (0,0)}\frac{x^4y^13}{x^8+y^{18}}=0$, but power in denominator is $18$ and power in numerator is $17$, so based on the tip he told us, the limit shouldn't exist.. (and I can see that $(0,0)$ is the only problematic point in the denominator).

What am I missing?

Best Answer

The examples you give do not involve homogeneous polynomials. Your professor's tip does not apply.

Meanwhile $$ (x^4 \pm y^9)^2 \geq 0 $$ $$ x^8 \pm 2x^4 y^9 + y^{18} \geq 0 $$ $$ x^8 + y^{18} \geq 2 x^4 |y^9 | $$ $$ \frac{2 x^4 |y|^9}{x^8 + y^{18}} \leq 1 $$ $$ \frac{2 x^4 |y|^{13}}{x^8 + y^{18}} \leq y^4 $$

I went through Lagrange multipliers for $$ f(x,y) = \frac{x^a y^b}{x^{2c} + y^{2d}} $$ with $a,b,c,d $ positive integers.

When $ad-2cd+bc=0$ the ratio $f$ is bounded but has no limit.

When $ad-2cd+bc<0$ there is no limit and the ratio is not bounded.

When $ad-2cd+bc>0$ the limit is $0$

Your question has $a=4, b=13, c=4, d=9$ so that $ad-2cd+bc=36- 72 +52 =16 > 0 $ so the limit is zero.

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