Two proper subsets of the real numbers, $A$ and $B$, that have the following conditions: $A$ and $B$ are closed, $A \cap B$ is empty, +1


I'm trying to show that there can exists two proper subsets of the real numbers, $A$ and $B$, that have the following conditions:

(1) $A$ and $B$ are closed (with respect to the usual metric)

(2) $A \cap B$ is empty.

(3) inf$\{d(a,b): a \in A, b \in B \} = 0$

Obviously, for just the first condition $A = [0,1] = B$ would work.

Add in the second, and we can have A = $[0,1]$ and $B = [2,3]$

Now the third condition is where this problem gets me. I'm not sure how to apply $inf = 0$ for disjoint subsets in this context.

Can anyone think of an example for this?

Edit: To clarify, I'm trying to find an example that satisfies all three conditions

Best Answer

This was tricky! The idea, is you can't think of the sets as intervals. As there are not two intervals for which this is true.

Consider $A = \{2,3,4,5, \ldots\}$. This is a closed set. Consider $B =\{2+1/2, 3+1/3, 4+1/4, 5+1/5, \ldots\}$. This is also a closed set.

Now, $A$ and $B$ are clearly disjoint and for $n \ge 2$, we have that $n \in A$ and $n + 1/n \in B$. Thus the distance between these points is $1/n$. This is true for all integers $n \ge 2$ and hence they have distance $0$ between the sets.