Two numbers divisible by the same prime. If concatenated still divisible by the same prime number

divisibilityprime numbers

This may be a simple question but I would like to know the theory behind it.

Assume I have two different integer numbers of any digit length and both are divisible by the prime number 23.

When I concatenate them they seem to be always divisible by 23.

Exampe: a and b is divisible by 23. Then why ab is also divisible by 23?
a = 460,
b = 69,
ba= 69460 $\div$ 23 = 3020

Please answer only If you are kind enough to answer simple questions kindly.

Best Answer

Concatenating a number $a$ with another number $b$ can be expressed in terms of addition and multiplication; in particular, if $b$ has $d$ digits, then to form the concatenation $ab$, you must shift the digits of $a$ by $d$ digits to the left - meaning you multiply it by $10^d$ - and then add $b$ to that.

In particular $$ab = a\times 10^d+ b.$$ This gives you all you need to prove it from two properties: first, if $n$ is divisible by $c$, then every multiple of $n$ is also divisible of $c$. Also, if $n_1$ and $n_2$ are both divisible by $c$, then so is $n_1+n_2$. Thus, since $a$ and $b$ are divisible by some divisor $c$, so is $a\times 10^d$ and $a \times 10^d + b = ab$.