Two definitions of a degree of map $f: S^n \to S^n$ equivalent


Given a smooth map $f: S^n \to S^n$, I have seen at least two ways of defining the degree.

Definition 1: $\deg f$ is an integer satisfying, for every $\omega \in \Omega^n(S^n)$,
$$\int_{S^n} f^*\omega = (\deg f) \int_{S^n} \omega.$$
This definition comes from the theory of de Rham cohomology.

Definition 2: Since $\pi_n(S^n)\simeq \mathbb Z$, the induced map $f_*: \pi_n(S^n) \to \pi_n(S^n)$ is a multiplication by constant, which is defined as $\deg f$.

Does the two definitions equivalent?

Best Answer

There is a Hurewicz homomorphism $\Phi:\pi_n(S^n) \to H_n(S^n)$ given by taking a class of a map $\pi_n(S^n)\ni[\alpha]:S^n \to S^n$ and sending it to $\alpha_*([S^n])$ where $[S^n]$ is the fundamental class, or the generator for $H_n(S^n)$. It is an isomorphism here.

This map is natural in the sense that for any map $f:S^n \to S^n$ and $[\alpha] \in \pi_n(X)$ we have that $\Phi(f_!([\alpha])=f_!(\Phi([\alpha]))$.

The point here is that $\Phi$ preserves degree! This buys you that definition two is equivalent to the induced homomorphism $f_*:H_n(S^n) \to H_n(S^n)$

To make this leap to the first definition, you will need to make the use of the De-Rham isomorphism.

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