Trying to show that $r = \frac{1}{C}\left( \frac{1}{1 + e\cos{(\theta + \omega)} } \right)$ is an ellipse

conic sections

I am trying to prove that planets move in ellipses,

I watched this video:

and read this: .

But both sources end up with this as an equation for the paths that planets follow :
r = \frac{1}{C}\left( \frac{1}{1 + e\cos{(\theta + \omega)} } \right),

where $C=G\frac{m_{1}+m_{2}}{h^{2}}$ which is just a constant, as is $\omega$, and $e$ is the eccentricity, so this is an ellipse with the focus at the origin as long as $e<1$ and when I put the equation in graphing software it gives me ellipse.

But I don't understand why it is an ellipse? Can anyone show me how it is an ellipse? Either from the normal polar coordinates of a ellipse centred at the origin and shifting it (I couldn't get the algebra to work out when I added ae to the x coordinate) or just by explaining it conceptionally?

Best Answer

Let's define $p=1/C$ (the semi-latus rectum) and set WLOG $\omega=0$. Let's construct then a line (the directrix) perpendicular to the $\theta=0$ axis and lying at a distance $FH=p/e$ from the the origin $F$.

An ellipse can be defined as the locus of points $P$ having a fixed ratio $e$ between their distance $PF$ from the focus and their distance $PN$ from a fixed lined (the directrix).

Let's take then a point $P$ whose distance from the focus is given by your equation:

$$ PF=r={p\over1+e\cos\theta}. $$

The distance of $P$ from the directrix is given by:

$$ PN=FH-FK={p\over e}-r\cos\theta= {p\over e}\left(1-{e\cos\theta\over1+e\cos\theta}\right)={r\over e}. $$

Hence $P$ lies on the ellipse having $F$ as focus and $HN$ as directrix.

enter image description here