Trying to prove the Pythagorean theorem using Picks theorem.


Picks Theorem Let A be the area of a simply closed lattice square. Let B denote the number of lattice points on the square edges and I the number of points in the interior of the square. Then

$\large A=I + \frac{B}{2}-1$

Define three squares with areas

$\large A_{a} = I_{a} + \frac{B_{a}}{2}-1 = a^2$

$\large A_{b} = I_{b} + \frac{B_{b}}{2}-1 = b^2$

$\large A_{c} = I_{c} + \frac{B_{c}}{2}-1 = c^2$



For $B_{c}=4$, $A_{c} = A_{a} + A_{b}$.


Case $B_{c}=4$,

$\large A_{c} = I_{c} + \frac{4}{2}-1$

$\large A_{c} = I_{c} + 1$

Observe that

$\large I_{c} = A_{a} + A_{b} – 1$

Substituting $I_{c}$

$\large A_{c} = (A_{a} + A_{b} – 1) + 1$

$\large A_{c} = A_{a} + A_{b}$

$\therefore \large c^2 = a^2 + b^2 $


Is that a valid proof for specific case $B_{c}=4$?
For general cases, can Picks be applied to prove Pythagoras?


Best Answer

The following describe a possible general proof. You just need to calculate the number of grid points in a triangle and the square as function of the sides of the right angle triangles.

enter image description here