Trouble with Knuth’s proof that surreal numbers lie between their left and right sets


I'm reading through Donald E. Knuth's book, Surreal Numbers, and I've been struggling for days now with one little step in a single proof.
Specifically, I'm trying to work through the proof that every surreal number is bounded by the elements of its left and right sets.
That is, for a surreal number $x = \{ X_L \,|\, X_R \}$, prove that $x_L \le x$ and that $x \le x_R$ for all numbers $x_L \in X_L$ and $x_R \in X_R$.
The proof starts by way of contradiction, assuming that there exists some number $x_l \in X_L$ such that $x_L \not\le x$. From this statement, the second axiom of surreal numbers gives us two possible cases; either there exists a number $x_{LL} \in X_{LL}$ (where $X_{LL}$ is $x_L$'s left set), with $x_{LL} \ge x$, or else there exists a number $x_R \in X_R$ with $x_L \ge x_R$.
This second case is an obvious contradiction of the first axiom of surreal numbers, so we go on checking the sole remaining case with $x_{LL} \ge x$. The proof then seems to try to chain this relation and another together with the transitive rule, eventually producing a contradiction. The transitive rule has been proved prior to this point in the book for the $\ge$ relation, so we just need a second relation to use it. And this is where I hit my wall.
The proof goes on to say that $x_{LL} \le x_L$, and I cannot for the life of me figure out the justification. Here's the wording for that statement in the book (Just after Ch 5 begins):

B. (continuing from above proof) …But what can we do with $x_{LL}$? I don't like double subscripts.
A. Well, $x_{LL}$ is an element of the left set of $x_L$. Since $x_L$ was created earlier than $x$, we can at least assume that $x_{LL} \le x_L$, by induction.
B. Lead on.

That seems to be the only justification for the statement; from here, Alice and Bill continue on down their productive and insightful train of reasoning without me.
I know how induction works, but I have absolutely no idea where this induction comes from or what it's doing. It all reads like a wholly obvious fact that follows perfectly naturally from what I already know, but I'm stuck. I'm convinced I'm forgetting something or that I"m on the wrong track. Either way, I need it explained to me more fully and simply than this. Thanks.

Best Answer

The surreal numbers are defined recursively: a surreal number is a pair $\{X_L\mid X_R\}$ where $X_L$ and $X_R$ are sets of surreal numbers (or more precisely, a surreal number is an equivalence class of recursively constructed objects of this form). This allows you to do induction on surreal numbers: to prove a statement about all surreal numbers, it suffices to show that if the statement is true for all elements of $X_L$ and $X_R$, then it is also true for the surreal numbers $\{X_L\mid X_R\}$, since all surreal numbers are built by iterating this construction. So in this case, the statement that $x_L\leq x$ and $x\leq x_R$ for all $x_L\in X_L$ and $x_R\in X_R$ is being proved by induction in this way, so the induction hypothesis tells you the result is already known for all elements of $X_L$ and $X_R$. In particular, the result is already known for the element $x_L$, so $x_{LL}<x_L$.

(To make sense of this recursive definition of surreal numbers completely rigorously takes some work, and I don't know how exactly Knuth does it. One way to make it precise is to recursively define the set of surreal numbers of birthday $\alpha$ for each ordinal $\alpha$ to be the pairs $\{X_L\mid X_R\}$ where $X_L$ and $X_R$ are both sets of surreal numbers of birthday $<\alpha$. Then the proof above is by induction on the birthday of the surreal number $x$, so all elements of $X_L$ and $X_R$ have lesser birthday and so are covered by the induction hypothesis.)