Trouble finding error in the proof for Baby Rudin exercise 4.1


I was working on exercise 4.1 of Rudin's Principles of Mathematical Analysis by Rudin which states

Suppose $f$ is a real function defined on $\mathbb{R}^1$ which satisfies
$$\lim_{h\rightarrow 0}[f(x+h)-f(x-h)]=0$$
for every $x\in\mathbb{R}^1$. Does this imply that $f$ is continuous?

I now know that the answer is in fact "no" and understand the given proof for why. However I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out where I went wrong in my proof that the statement does imply that $f$ is continuous:

Let $$g(h)=f(p+h)-f(p-h)$$ By the definition of a limit we know that
for each $p\in \mathbb{R}$ for all $\epsilon_0>0$ there exists a
$\delta_0>0$ such that $$d_Y(g(h),0)<\epsilon_0$$ for all $h$ where
$$0<d_X(h,0)<\delta_0$$ We wish to show that for each $p\in\mathbb{R}$
for all $\epsilon>0$ there exists a $\delta>0$ such that
$$d_Y(f(x),f(p))<\epsilon$$ for all $x\in \mathbb{R}$ for which
$$0<d_X(x,p)<\delta$$ Let us consider \begin{align}
&\leq |f(p+h)-f(p)|+|f(p-h)-f(p)|\\
&\textrm{If }d_Y(f(p+h),f(p))\geq d_Y(f(p-h),f(p))\textrm{ then}\\
&\leq2d_Y(f(p+h),f(p))\leq \epsilon_0\\
&\leq2d_Y(f(p-h),f(p))\leq\epsilon_0\\ \end{align}
We find this relation to be true for all $h$ such that $$0<|h|<\delta_0$$ We can
see that this corresponds to the following statement:

For each $p\in\mathbb{R}$ for all $\epsilon_0>0$
$$2d_Y(f(x),f(p))\leq \epsilon_0 $$ is true for all $x\in\mathbb{R}$ for
which $$0<d_X(x,p)<\delta_0$$ This is the statement that $f$ is
continuous at all point $p\in\mathbb{R}$.

I was wondering if someone could help we locate where I went awry

Best Answer

Can you find a counterexample to the question? What function satisfies the conditions but isn't continuous?

$f(x) = \begin{cases} 0 & \forall x \neq 0 \\ 1 & x = 0 \end{cases} $

If you consider the counterexample while reading your proof, you will find that this step is suspect at the point of discontinuity ($ p = 0$ in my example).

Let us consider \begin{align} d_Y(g(h),0)&=|f(p+h)-f(p-h)|\\ &=|f(p+h)+f(p)-f(p)-f(p-h)|\\ &\leq |f(p+h)-f(p)|+|f(p-h)-f(p)|\\ &=d_Y(f(p+h),f(p))+d_Y(f(p-h),f(p))\\ &\textrm{If }d_Y(f(p+h),f(p))\geq d_Y(f(p-h),f(p))\textrm{ then}\\ &\leq2d_Y(f(p+h),f(p))\leq \epsilon_0\\ &\textrm{Else}\\ &\leq2d_Y(f(p-h),f(p))\leq\epsilon_0\\ \end{align}

(Lots of abuse of $\epsilon$ notation used here. You may treat them as mostly distinct.)

You have no information about $|f(p+h)-f(p)|$, and couldn't draw that conclusion (in the last 2 lines).
You are wanting to show (in the previous line of your proof), that this value is $ \leq \epsilon$.
In fact, referring to my example, we had $|f(0+h) - f(0)| = 1$, and cannot bound it by $\epsilon$.
You ended up assuming that it was $ \leq \epsilon$ (in the last 2 lines) in order to prove that it was $ \leq \epsilon$.

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