Trisect a square on its sides. How many isosceles triangles can you find by connecting three of the dots


As shown in the figure below, each pair of points on each side of the square trisect that side. How many isosceles triangles can be formed by using the 8 trisection points and the 4 vertices?

Figure 1

How should I start "counting"? Or is there a better way?

My approach:

Let's name the dots: A, B, C, ... L from the top-left vertex.

The top-left vertex, which is point A, can form three triangles 

The similar applies to the other vertices, which gives s a total of 
12 triangles (3 triangles each for the four vertices)

Now for the trisection points. For point B, it can form a triangle △BHJ
Same for the other trisection points, which give us 8 more triangles.

Therefore we have 12+8=20 triangles in total.

So my answer is 20, which was not the correct answer given (36). What did I mis-count?

Best Answer

Some hints:

The peak of the triangle can be a vertex or a trisection point. It is sufficient to analyze these two cases.

For the first case take the upper left vertex $A$ of the square, and write next to each other marked point its distance to $A$. Looking at the resulting numbers you should be able to find the number of isosceles triangles with peak at $A$.

Same for the marked point $B$ at one third of the upper edge of the square.

Now think of how many marked points of type $A$ you have, and how many marked points of type $B$.

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