Trigonometric integral with tangent


$$\int\biggl( \sqrt[3]{\frac{\sin x+1}{\cos x}}+\sqrt[3]\frac{\sin x-1}{\cos x}\biggr)\frac{1}{\cos^2x}\,dx ,\;x\in\Bigl(-\frac{\pi}{2},\frac{\pi}{2}\Bigr)$$ Can somebody give some tips about how can I evaluate this integral,please? I observed that $\frac{1}{\cos^2x}$ is the derivative of tangent, but I don't know how to do it using the substitution $t=\tan x$ because there will be $\frac{1}{\cos x}$ inside and I think there is another method.

Best Answer

First note that if $f$ is a function with antiderivative $F$, then the antiderivative of its inverse function $f^{-1}(x)$ is $F( f^{-1}(x))-xf^{-1}(x)$, which can be easily shown by differentiating.

Now let's consider your integral.

Making a trigonometric substitution allows us to consider instead the following integrand: $$s(x)=\sqrt[3]{x+\sqrt{x^2+1}}+\sqrt[3]{x-\sqrt{x^2+1}}$$ Notice that $s$ satisfies the property $$s=\sqrt[3]{2x-3s}$$ or $$s^3+3s=2x$$ If $t$ is the inverse function of $s$ so that $s(t(x))=x$ and $t(s(x))=x$, we have from the above equation that $$2t=x^3+3x$$ Thus, we may use the formula mentioned at the beginning of the post to solve your integral. The antiderivative of $t$ with respect to $x$ is $$T(x)=\frac{x^4+6x^2}{8}$$ and so the antiderivative of $s$ is given by $$S(x)=T(s(x))-xs(x)$$ where $T$ and $s$ are defined above. This yields the desired result, and now all you have to do is undo the trig substitution at the beginning, and the value of your integral is $$T(s(\tan(x)))-\tan(x)s(\tan(x))$$

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