Trigonometric inequality: $(y-x)(\cos{x}+\cos{y})\leq 2\sin(y-x)$


I have trouble proving the following inequality, which I have confirmed is true using wolfram:
$$(y-x)(\cos{x}+\cos{y})\leq 2\sin(y-x)$$
with $0\leq x<y \leq \frac{\pi}{2}$.

I have tried expanding the RHS using the formula for $\sin(y-x)$ and rearranging the terms but to no good results.

I would appreciate any hint.

Best Answer

For $0 < d \le \pi/2$ we have $$ \sin(d) = \int_0^d \cos(t)\, dt > d \, \frac{1+\cos(d)}{2} $$ because $\cos$ is concave on that interval. Applying this to $d=y-x$ gives $$ \frac{\sin(y-x)}{y-x} > \frac{1+\cos(y-x)}2 \ge \frac{\cos(x) + \cos(y)}2 $$ because $\cos$ is decreasing on $[0, \pi/2]$.