Tricks for questions involving finding integer solutions for a fraction which contains variables

fractionsinequalityintegerslinear algebraproblem solving

I've come across several problems which involve finding a certain number of integers that the expression could be. For example, here is a question:

"There are exactly four integer values of a for which 2a+b/a-2 is itself an integer" – This is only true for certain values of b only. For how many values of b in the range 1 ≤ b ≤ 20 is the statement true?

My thought process so far – I'm trying to work out when there will only be four values which a, and so far I cannot think of anything. I've also tried splitting the fraction but that hasn't worked either.

How would you:
a) tackle this problem
b) tackle similar problems in the future i.e. what can I take away from this problem that I could apply to another one down the line?

Best Answer

We want to know when $\dfrac{2a+b}{a-2} = 2 + \dfrac{b+4}{a-2}$ is an integer.

This is equivalent to finding when $\dfrac{b+4}{a-2}$ is an integer.

Hence we need to know when $a-2$ is a factor of $b+4$.

Since the question ask for values of $b$ where there are exactly $4$ values of $a$ satisfying the condition, we need to find when $b+4$ has exactly $4$ factors.

Since both positive and negative factors are included, only primes can satisfy this condition (as you have observed). That is, we need to find values of $b$ such that $b+4$ is prime (but not $b$ itself).