Tree: number of children of each node given total number of nodes and number of sublevels

algebra-precalculusdiscrete mathematicsgraph theorytrees

Imagine a full n-tree: every node has a single parent (or is the root and has 0 parents) and exactly n children (or is a leaf node and has 0 children).

We can describe this tree with three variables: A = total number of nodes in the tree. B = number of sublevels in the tree. C = number of children per node.

The fundamental formula to relate these three variables is most intuitively:

$$ A = \sum_{n=0}^{B}{C^n} $$

For example, if there are 4 sublevels of hierarchy (under the top node) and each node has 3 children, then B = 4 and C = 3. The top layer's count is 1, then the second layer's count is 3, then 3^2 = 9, then 3^3 and 3^4. The sum equals 121.

From some Googling, I discovered that this sum can be expressed as:

$$ A = \frac{{C^{B+1}-1}}{{C-1}} $$

If given A and C, you can work it out to solve for B and end up with:

$$ B=log_C(AC-A+1)-1 $$

However, I am looking for a way to solve for C given A and B. Is there a way to do this?

Best Answer

Found the answer. First, some renaming of the variables for clarity:

  • Depth of tree = D (was previously B)
  • Node count = N (was previously A)
  • Children per node = C (same as before)

Next for some trivial edge cases:

$$D=0 \leftrightarrow N=1$$ $$D=1 \leftrightarrow N=C+1$$ $$C=1 \leftrightarrow N=D+1$$

So, we will only consider cases where C >= 2 and D >= 2.

Divide all the nodes between leaf nodes L and non-leaf (parent) nodes P. L + P = N. So,

$$L=C^D$$ and $$P=\sum_{n=0}^{D-1}{C^n}$$



It is obvious that

$$\sqrt[D]L < \sqrt[D]{L+P}$$

But it is a property of full trees where C > 1 that there are more leaf nodes than parent nodes. Because L > P and D >= 2,

$$\sqrt[D]{L+P} < \sqrt[D]{L+L} \leq \sqrt[D]{L*D} = \sqrt[D]L+1$$

So putting them together,

$$\sqrt[D]L < \sqrt[D]{L+P} < \sqrt[D]L+1$$

And because C is an integer,


Intuitively, this means that all parent nodes are not enough to change the order of magnitude of the tree. The leaf nodes are sufficient to determine this. After substituting,


So that is the answer. It also nicely works for the edge case of C=1, but not for D=0 or D=1.

All credit goes to my cousin for figuring this out.