Translation of predicate logic into english confusion


For this question:
Interpret the predicate $\mathrm{Love}(x,y,t)$ as "$x$ loves $y$ at time $t$".
Write the following statements with predicate logic:

  • Nobody is in love all the time

I do not understand why the answer is:

and not
because the answer would translate to: For all $x$, at some time $t$, for all $y$, it is not the case that $x$ loves $y$ at time $t$ which doesn't really make sense to me.

Whereas, the answer I came up with (which isn't correct) would translate to: For all $x$, there exists some $y$, at time $t$, such that it is not the case that $x$ loves $y$ at time $t$ and I don't understand why this is incorrect

Best Answer

Hint: you need to capture the concept of being in love at a certain time. Person $x$ is in love at time $t$ if there is some person $y$ whom $x$ loves at time $t$: $(\exists y)\mathrm{Love}(x, y, t)$.

"Nobody is in love all the time" is equivalent to saying that for each person $x$ there is a time $t$ at which $x$ is not in love, i.e., $(\forall x)(\exists t)\lnot((\exists y)\mathrm{Love}(x, y, t))$, which is equivalent to $(\forall x)(\exists t)(\forall y)\lnot\mathrm{Love}(x, y, t)$, which is the supplied answer.

Your answer $(∀x)(∃y)(∀t)¬\mathrm{Love}(x,y,t)$, says that for every person $x$, there is some person $y$ whom $x$ is not in love with at any time. But that does not preclude the possibility that everybody is in love all the time. E.g., if there are three people, Anne, Bob and Charlie, and if Bob and Charlie both love Anne (and nobody else) and Anne loves Bob (and nobody else), then everybody is in love, but nobody loves Charlie.

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