Translate these English statements into Predicate Logic

discrete mathematics


  • P(x) = "x is a clear explanation"
  • Q(x) = "x is satisfactory"
  • R(x) = "x is an excuse

I need to translate

  • a) Some clear explanations are satisfactory.
  • b) No excuses are clear explanations. (All excuses are not clear explanations)

I have a lot of difficult distinguishing when to use a conjunction and when to use an implication. Here are the translations I came up with:

  • a) ∃x(P(x)∧Q(x))
  • b) ∀x(R(x) –> ¬P(x))

Are these correct? Regardless of my correctness, can you provide an explanation why I was right/wrong in using the implication over the conjunction and vice versa. I would like to get their correct uses straight in my head.


Best Answer

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Your translations are correct. Here's a simple rule for translating phrases like "some clear explanations" and "no excuses":

  • The sentence "some A's are B's" translates as $\exists x (A(x) \land B(x))$. (Some things are both A's and B's.)
  • The sentence "all A's are B's" translates as $\forall x (A(x) \implies B(x))$. (Everything, if it is an A, is also a B. In other words, everything is either not-an-A, or a B.)

So, "Some clear explanations are satisfactory" translates as $\exists x (P(x) \land Q(x))$.

How about "No excuses are clear explanations"? Well, we can rephrase that as "All excuses are things that are not clear explanations". So this is $\forall x (R(x) \implies \neg P(x))$.

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