Transitive groups that are not primitive


I'm trying to seek some examples of transitive groups that are not primitive. I found out this article Generating Symmetric Groups where is shown as example the group $G \subset S_6$ induced by rotations of the cube.

Following the line of the above example I thought also the group induced by rotations of the square does our business, and thus the whole $D_4$ (rotations and reflections of the square) group is a good example.

Can anybody know other toy-examples?

Best Answer

Any subgroup of $Sym(n)$ of the form $Sym(k)\wr Sym(l)$ where $n=kl$ fits the criteria (this comes from the O'Nan-Scott Theorem). This construction is known as the wreath product. Concretely this is the stabilizer of a partition into $k$ parts of size $l$.

Here is a fully worked example in $Sym(6)$:

Consider two blocks of size $3$: $\{1,2,3\}, \{4,5,6\}$, take all permutations that preserve these subsets in $Sym(6)$, i.e $H=Sym(\{1,2,3\})$ and $K=Sym(\{4,5,6\})$. Now find a $g\in Sym(6)$ which switches the two blocks, for example $g=(14)(25)(36)$. Now let $G=\langle H,K,g\rangle$. Then $G$ acts transitively and imprimitively on 6 points. Note that $G\cong Sym(2)\wr Sym(3)$.

The minimal example alluded to in the comments has generating set $\langle(12),(34),(13)(24)\rangle$. That is, it is exactly the set of permutations that preserve 2 sets of 2. A non trivial block structure is then given almost by definition: $1\sim2$ and $3\sim4$.

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