Transforming a nonlinear system to a new system that has an equilibrium point at the origin

nonlinear systemordinary differential equationstransformation

Take a look at the following system

\dot{x}_1 &= x_2\\
\dot{x}_2 &= -x_1 + x^3_1 – x_2

which has three equilibrium points (0,0),(1,0), and (-1,0). In the book I'm reading, the author asks to define a new system that has equilibrium point as the origin for (1,0) and (-1,0). The procedure in the book is as follows:
let $y=x-x_e$ where $x_e$ is an equilibrium point and let's perform the transformation for $x_e = (1,0)$, hence:
y_1 &= x_1 – (1) = x_1 – 1 \implies \dot{y}_1 = \dot{x}_1 \\
y_2 &= x_2 – (0) = x_2 \implies \dot{y}_2 = \dot{x}_2

The new system is now
\dot{y}_1 &= y_2 \\
\dot{y}_2 &= -(y_1+1) + (y_1+1)^3 – y_2

Now we need to show that the new system $\dot{y}=g(y)$ has an equilibrium point at the origin (i.e. $\dot{y}=g(y) \implies 0 = g(y_e)$), we get

0 &= y_2 \\
0 &= -(y_1+1) + (y_1+1)^3 + y_2

$y_2=0, -(y_1+1) + (y_1+1)^3 = 0 \implies y_1=0,-2$. The new system has two equilibrium points and one of them are not at the origin. How to justify this issue. The actual question in the book states:

enter image description here

Best Answer

It is ok. When you transform $x\to y$ your old equilibrium $(1,0)$ becomes $(0,0)$ for the $y$-system. You only have to analyze that point for the new system. You cannot avoid by translation having several equilibria.

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