Tough Divisibility Problem

divisibilitymodular arithmetic

When the five digit number $2A13B$ is divided by $19$, the remainder is $12$. Determine the remainder of $3A21B$ when divided by $19$.

$$2A13B \equiv 12 \pmod{19}$$

$$20000 + 1000A + 100 + 30 + B \equiv 12 \pmod{19}$$

$$ 5 + 12A + 5 + 11 + B \equiv 12 \pmod{19}$$

$$ 21+ 12A+ B \equiv 12 \pmod{19}$$

$$ 12A+ B + 9 \equiv 0 \pmod{19}$$

This is where I'm stuck.

Best Answer

Hint: $3A21B = 2A13B + 10000 + 80$

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