Totally antisymmetric Riemann tensor


Is it possible for a Riemannian manifold to have a non-vanishing Riemann tensor that is totally antisymmetric in the four indices? Of course, the antisymmetry would imply that the Ricci tensor vanishes, i.e. the manifold is Ricci flat.

Best Answer

The Riemannian curvature tensor $R$ is defined via $R(X,Y,Z,W) = g(R(X,Y)Z,W)$, where $g$ is a Riemannian metric. If $R$ was totally skew-symmetric, the first Bianchi identity would imply \begin{align*} 0 & = R(X,Y,Z,{}\cdot{})+R(Y,Z,X,{}\cdot{})+R(Z,X,Y,{}\cdot{}) \\ & = 3R(X,Y,Z,{}\cdot{}) \\ & = 3g(R(X,Y)Z,{}\cdot{}). \end{align*} Non-degeneracy of the metric $g$ would then give $R(X,Y)Z = 0$ for all $X,Y,Z$, i.e. $R=0$.

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