Total probability as the sum of conditional probabilities

probabilityprobability theory

Suppose I have 2 events $C_1$ and $C_2$ so that $C_1$, $C_2$, and their complements ($C_1'$ and $C_2'$) partition the probability space. Let the event I'm interested in be denoted by $X$. $C_1$ and $C_2$ and their complements are conditionally independent given $X$. The probability of $X$ is given by,

Using the product rule, this can be expressed as follow,
Secondly, using the conditional independence of $C_1$ and $C_2$ (and their complements) given $X$, this is,
Have I done this correctly? I'll accept your answer if you can say yes or no, and refer to the relevant rules I've invoked or failed to invoke.

Best Answer

Indeed, if you do have that conditional independence, then that will be okay.

PS: It is the non-empty pairwise intersections of the sets and their complements that partition the space.

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