Vectors – Understanding Torque About a Line in 3D Space


given: Force Vector $F = 2i – 3j + k$

force acts on the point $(1,5,2)$

line $\frac{x}{2} = y = \frac{z}{-2}$

Known: $T = n * (r X F)$

'n' is a unit vector in the direction of the given line

r is the position vector

vectors, so this is a dot and cross product respectively

Find: torque about the given line

I'm not used to dealing with lines in 3D space defined in this manner, so I'm a bit stumped on how to find a unit vector on the given line.

Best Answer

If your line is defined as $y=x/2=-z/2$, then moving one unit along $y$ must take you 2 in the $x$ direction and $-2$ in the $z$ direction. So, $(2,1,-2)$ is a vector parallel to the line. The magnitude of that vector is $\sqrt{4 + 1 + 4} = 3$, so a unit length vector in the same direction would be, $$ \frac{1}{3} (2,1,-2) $$

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