Topology of sequentially open sets is sequential


Let $(X,\tau)$ be a topological space. The collection of all sequentially open subsets of $X$ (i.e. the complements of the sequentially closed subsets) is itself a topology $\tau_\text{seq}$, equal to $\tau$ if $X$ is a sequential space, and a strictly finer topology otherwise. (See the wikipedia article for details.)

Question: Is $(X,\tau_\text{seq})$ a sequential space?

Best Answer

Suppose that $U$ is sequentially open with respect to $\tau_{\text{seq}}$, i.e., that every sequence converging in $\tau_{\text{seq}}$ to a point of $U$ is eventually in $U$. $\langle X,\tau_{\text{seq}}\rangle$ and $\langle X,\tau\rangle$ have the same convergent sequences, so $U$ is sequentially open with respect to $\tau$ and is therefore in $\tau_{\text{seq}}$. Thus, $\langle X,\tau_{\text{seq}}\rangle$ is sequential.

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