Topology of rationals as subspace of the reals vs rationals with euclidean topology


I am trying to compare different topologies on the set of rationals. I feel like the following two are distinct (i.e. some sets are open in one and not in the other), but I can't write a formal enough argument unfortunately. Any feedback is very appreciated!

Here are the topologies on $\mathbb{Q}$:

  • $\tau_1$ is the subspace topology inherited from the real numbers (i.e. taking elements as $U \cap \mathbb{Q}$ for $U$ open in euclidean topology on $\mathbb{R}$)
  • $\tau_2$is the euclidean topology on the rationals (i.e. given by the basis of open balls centered on rationals)

Let $c \in \mathbb{R} \setminus \mathbb{Q}, \epsilon \in \mathbb{Q}$. My clain is that "visually" $(c – \epsilon, c + \epsilon) \cap \mathbb{Q} = U$ is open in $\tau_1$ but not in $\tau_2$. I feel like this is not a valid counter-example, however this is the closest I found.

Best Answer

Let $(\Bbb R,\tau_e)$, the real numbers with the standard euclidean topology. Since $\Bbb Q$ is dense in $\Bbb R$, it is easy to verify that a base for the euclidean topology is $\mathcal B=$ {$B(y,R)|y\in\Bbb Q,R\in\Bbb Q_{>0}$}.A very trivial fact to verify is that if $\mathcal B$is a base for $X$ and $Y\subset X$, $\mathcal B_y$={$\mathcal B\cap Y|B\in\mathcal B$}is a base for the subspace topology. Another fact is that if $d:X\times X\to[0,+\infty)$ induces a topology on $X$ and given $Y\subseteq X$, if $d_y:Y\times Y\to[0,+\infty)$ is the restriction of $d$ to $Y$, a base for the subspace topology of $Y$ is $\mathcal B=$ {$B(y,R)\cap Y |y\in\Bbb Q,R\in\Bbb Q_{>0}$}. So the subspace of topology inherited from the real numbers is the same as the topology induced by the restriction. So with your notation $\tau_1=\tau_2$. $\square$