Topology and its basis


In Munkres, Lemma 13.1 says that topology is the collection of all unions of elements of collection of basis elements.

Now in the figure 13.3, which is an irregular curve and also an open set i.e., element of topology, how to obtain that by union of basis elements that is circles?

I just learnt about that lemma and tried to visualise it using the figure(I know why that figure is there.)

Best Answer

In this picture, the author was trying to prove that if you choose any two elements from a Topology $\tau$, then the intersection of that two sets is also in $\tau$. He basically proved that we can define topology by the definition of basis.

Also, note that the graphs in that picture are some regions, not the curve. The lemma tells us: If we choose any open set $O \in\tau$, then $O$ is the union of some basis elements. For example, any open set (does not matter how bad you can imagine) in $R^2$ with the standard topology is the union of some open discs.

Finally, please have a look at the example $1$ and $2$ of Munkress page $78$ (2nd edition). Here he showed two different bases $\mathbb{B}$ and $\mathbb{B^1}$ of the Euclidean topology of $\mathbb{R^2}$ as the collection of circular regions(interiors of the circles) and Open rectangles.

Answer to the last question:

Yes, any element of the basis $\mathbb{B}$ is open. More importantly, the rest of the open sets can be created by the union of the basis elements of that given basis $\mathbb{B}$.