To understand a long exact sequence related to Cohomology


I am trying to understand a long exact sequence from some notes. $I=[0,1] $ and $X$ any topological space, We look at the long exact sequence for the pair $(I\times X,\partial I\times X)$

$\dotsb\xrightarrow{0}H^k(I\times X)\rightarrow H^k(\partial I\times X)\xrightarrow{\delta}H^{k+1}(I\times X,\partial I\times X)\xrightarrow{0}H^{k+1}(I\times X)\rightarrow\dotsb$

I can't understand why the mentioned $0$-maps are $0$. An explanation would be very helpful.

Best Answer

The map $H^k(I\times X)\rightarrow H^k(\partial I\times X)$ is induced by the inclusion $i:\partial I\times X\hookrightarrow I\times X$. You can construct a map $s$ in the opposite direction as the composite

$$s:I\times X\xrightarrow{pr}I\times X\xrightarrow{in_0}\partial I\times X.$$

Check that the composite $i\circ s:X\times I\rightarrow X\times I$ is homotopic to the identity. It follows that on cohomology you have $(i\circ s)^*=(id_{I\times X})^*=id$.

Now we see that the map $i^*$, which is the first map in your exact sequence, has a left inverse $s^*$, since

$$s^*i^*=(i\circ s)^*=id$$

where we have used functorality.

It follows that $i^*:H^k(I\times X)\rightarrow H^k(\partial I\times X)$ is injective for all $k\geq 0$, and so by exactness of the sequence that the map preceeding it, $H^{k-1}(I\times X,\partial I\times X)\rightarrow H^k(I\times X)$, is zero. You get this from the definitions using $ker(i^*)=0$