To find the number of $10$ digit numbers, where the sum of digits is divisible by $10$.

algebra-precalculuscombinatoricsdiscrete mathematics

To find the number of $10$ digit numbers, where the sum of digits is divisible by $10$.

The sum of digits is divisible by $10$ implies the sum has to be a multiple of $10$.

Since the number is $10$ digited, the first term has to take values greater than $0$.

Some of the numbers are all ones, $11\cdots11, 12\cdots10, 13\cdots100$.

I am finding it difficult to count the number of such numbers.

Best Answer

I will try to give an answer from the comments above:

Since we have to choose a $10$ digit number the first position has $9$ choices, then from the second position to the last but one we have $10$ choices each.

Now we sum all these $9$ entries and choose the last digit such that the sum is divisible by $10$. We can always do it and the choice for the last position is unique.

Hence the total number of $10$ digit numbers, where the sum of digits is divisible by $10$ is $$9 \times 10^8. $$