Time homogeneity and Markov property

markov chainsprobabilitystochastic-processes

My question may be related to this one, but I couldn't figure out the connection. Anyway here we are: I'm learning about Markov chains from Rozanov's "Probability theory a concise course". In this book, a Markov chain is essentially defined to be a collection of discrete random variables $\xi(n)$ in discrete time, which satisfy time homogeneity, that is
$$\mathbb{P}(\xi(n+1)=\epsilon_j|\xi(n)=\epsilon_i) = \mathbb{P}(\xi(1)=\epsilon_j|\xi(0)=\epsilon_i)$$
for all $n$. Curiously the Markov property $$\mathbb{P}(\xi(n+1)=s|\xi(0),\xi(1),\dots,\xi(n)) = \mathbb{P}(\xi(n+1)=s|\xi(n))$$ is not stated in the hypothesis. So I was wondering if it is implied by the definition, i.e. if time homogeneity for Markov chains implies the Markov property.

Thank you.

PS : here is Rozanov's definition more explicitly :

Consider a physical system with the following properties:

a) The system can occupy any of a finite or countably infinite number of
states $\epsilon_1,\epsilon_2,\dots$,

b) Starting from some initial state at time $t = 0$, the system changes its
state randomly at the times $t = 1,2,\dots$. Thus, if the random variable
$\xi(t)$ is the state of the system at time $t$, the evolution of the system in time is described by the consecutive transitions (or "steps")
$\xi(0)\to \xi(1) \to \xi(2) \to \cdots$

c) At time $t = 0$, the system occupies the state $\epsilon_i$ with initial probability $p_i^0=\mathbb{P}(\xi(0)=\epsilon_i)$, $i = 1,2,\dots$.

d) Suppose the system is in the state $\epsilon_i$ at any time $n$. Then the
probability that the system goes into the state $\epsilon_j$ at the next step is given by
$$p_{i,j} = \mathbb{P}(\xi(n + 1) =\epsilon_j | \xi(n) = \epsilon_i),$$ $i,j=1,2,\dots$
regardless of its behavior before the time $n$. The numbers $p_{i,j}$ called
the transition probabilities, do not depend on the time n.

A "random process" described by this model is called a Markov chain.

Best Answer

Let $Z_n$ denote an iid random variables uniform on $\{0, 1\}$ and then define a sequence $$X_n = X_{n-1} + Z_n + Z_{n-1}.$$ Then it's easy to see this is time-homogeneous, but it doesn't have the Markov property, as knowledge of both $X_{n-1}, X_{n-2}$ could give information about $Z_{n-1}$ that couldn't have been determined without $X_{n-2}.$

More explicitly, $$P(X_n = 5 | X_{n-1}=5) = \frac{1}{4} \neq 0 = P(X_n = 5 | X_{n-1}=5, X_{n-2} = 3)$$

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