Tic Tac Toe on an infinite grid

game theorypuzzle

Imagine playing tic tac toe, but rather than the standard 3 by 3 grid, the board extends indefinitely in every direction. When playing the usual game, one player must get three squares in a row to wind the game. However, with an infinite grid, three in a row become pointless, as the first player is guaranteed to be able to get two in a row with nothing on either end. This would allow for a win on the next turn regardless of what the second player does. This could be fixed if the required consecutive squares was increased, such as to four in a row. What would be a winning strategy for this rule set? What about for five in a row? Is there a point where it becomes impossible to win given perfect playing?

Best Answer

(m,n,k)-game: get $k$ in a row on a $m\times n$ board. There is a wiki page that talks about this exact problem: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M,n,k-game

"Computer search by L. Victor Allis has shown that (15,15,5) is a win"

"$k \geq 8$ is a draw on an infinite board... It is not known if the second player can force a draw when k is 6 or 7 on an infinite board."

So we know that for $k\leq 5$ is a win for the first player, for $k\geq 8$ is a draw, and for $k = 6,7$ we don't know.