Throwing n-sided fair dice until sum of two throws equals n

dicemarkov chainsprobability

I have an $n$-sided fair die and each side has a different number from the set $\{0, 1, 2, … , n – 1\}$. On each throw I write down number what was thrown. I do this until the sum of two numbers from the list that I wrote down equals $n$. So the question is, what is the probability that this game ends in $k$ throws? It is clear that when $k = 1$ the probability is $0$. I thought of using a Markov chain to solve this problem, but I don't know how to represent states and what is the probability of going from one state to another. Can anybody help me with this?

Best Answer


Let $[n-1] = \{k\}_{k=0}^{n-1}$ and one approach is to let $W$ denote the set of all $A \subseteq W$ such that no two elements of $A$ add up to $n$. Then, $S = W \cup \{*\}$ is the state space of the Markov chain, with $*$ denoting the absorbing state of finally generating a set of throws where two members add up to $n$.

Now you can define transition probabilities and solve.

A different approach is to note that if you have thrown $1$, then either you win in the next throw or you cannot throw $n-1$ at any time. So you really have $1,n-1$ and $2,n-2$ etc., and when you throw one number from the pair, you will never throw another one unless you complete the task. So the probability to finish in exactly $k$ steps is the probability of picking $k-1$ of those pairs in the first $k-1$ tries, and then picking one of them again in the last attempt.

You could use a geometric random variable or a Markov chain, or argue from first principles.

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