Three touching spheres in d dimensions


There are two $d$-dimensional unit spheres centred at $A$ and $B$ in $\mathbb{R}^d$. They are touching at location $I$. How can I find the centre of a third $d$-dimensional unit sphere $C$ that touches the first two spheres? I know that:

  • |A-B|=|A-C|=|B-C|=2,
  • |A-I|=|B-I|=1.

I don't know how to proceed from here. I know there can be multiple locations for $C$. In fact the set of possible locations forms a $(d-1)$-sphere. But how to find its radius and centre?

Best Answer

From the fact that

$$ \lvert A - B\rvert = \lvert A - C\rvert = \lvert B - C\rvert = 2 $$

you know that $A, B, C$ are vertices of an equilateral triangle of side $2$. It doesn't matter how many dimensions you are working in, three non-collinear points still make the vertices of a triangle and if all three sides are equal then the triangle is equilateral.

Given that $\triangle ABC$ is an equilateral triangle of side $2$, what is the relationship of $C$ to the midpoint of side $AB$?

The point $C$ must be on the perpendicular bisector of $AB$ at a distance $\sqrt3$ from $AB.$

Noting that $I$ is the midpoint of $AB,$ we have $CI = \sqrt3$ and $C$ lies on the $(d-1)$-plane through $I$ orthogonal to the line $AB,$ since that $(d-1)$-plane contains all lines through $I$ perpendicular to $AB$ and all lines through $I$ perpendicular to $AB$ are in that plane.

In summary, the sphere you are looking for has center $I$ and radius $\sqrt3$ and lies in the $(d-1)$-plane through $I$ orthogonal to $AB.$