Functional Analysis – Three Topologies on Vector Bundle Space


Let $E\to M$ be a Riemannian vector bundle over an oriented Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$ with a connection $\nabla$. Let $\Gamma(E)$ denote the vector space of sections of $E\to M$. For $\sigma \in \Gamma(E)$, its Sobolev $k$-norm $(k=1,2,\dots)$ is defined by $$ |\sigma|_k^2:=\int_M ||\sigma||^2+||\nabla \sigma||^2+\cdots+||\nabla^k \sigma||^2 v_g$$
where $v_g$ is the volume form of $M$. The completion of the space $V^k(E):=\{\sigma \in \Gamma(E):|\sigma|_k<\infty\}$ is denoted by $W^k(E)$.

I want to compare three different topologies on $V^k(E)$.

  1. By definition of $W^k(E)$ we have $V^k(E)\subset W^k(E)$, and the norm $|\cdot |_k$ on $W^k(E)$ defines a topology on $W^k(E)$, and hence on $V^k(E)$.

  2. Second, since $\Gamma(E)$ is a vector space it has a topology: the weak topology determined by all finite-dimensional subspaces (cf. Infinite Dimensional Topological Vector Space). Since $V^k(E)\subset \Gamma(E)$, we have another topology on $V^k(E)$.

  3. Finally, there is a topology $V^k(E)$ induced by the $C^\infty$-topology ( of $C^\infty(M,E)$.

Are these three topologies the same? Is there a "natural" choice of a topology of $\Gamma(E)$ that are used commonly?

Best Answer

These topologies are all distinct, as can be seen by considering the trivial vector bundle over $\mathbb{R}^n$. In this case, the space $V^k(E)$ is the same as the space $V := C^\infty(\mathbb{R}^n) \cap W^{k, 2}(\mathbb{R}^n)$ of smooth functions on $\mathbb{R}^n$ with bounded $W^{k, 2}$ norm. Then we see that:

  1. The norm $|\cdot|_k$ is the $W^{k, 2}$ norm on $V$.

  2. To see that the topology (2) is not equal to the topology (1), it suffices to exhibit a subset $C \subseteq V$ which is closed in (2) but not in (1). Let $C = \{v_i\}_{i \in I}$ be an algebraic basis of $V$. Then for any finite-dimensional subspace $W \subseteq V$, the intersection $C \cap W$ is finite, hence closed in $W$. So $C$ is closed in (2). But it is not difficult to find a basis $C$ which is not closed in (1). (Hint: Find a sequence of linearly independent elements $v_i \in V$ which converge to $0$, and extend $v_i$ to a basis of $V$.)

  3. The $C^\infty$-topology is the union of the $C^k$-topologies, where the $C^k$-topology is defined to be the topology generated by the basis $$ B(f, \delta) = \{g \in V \mid \text{$|\partial^\alpha f - \partial^\alpha g| < \delta$ for all $|\alpha| \leq k$}\}, $$ where $f \in V$ and $\delta : \mathbb{R}^n \to (0, \infty)$ is a continuous function.

    A similar argument as before shows that (3) is not equal to (2). To show that (3) is not equal to (1), it is not difficult to exhibit a sequence which converges in (1) but not in (3). Alternatively, we can see that (3) is not first countable (and thus not metrizable) as follows. Let $\delta_k : \mathbb{R}^n \to (0, \infty)$ be a countable family of functions. Then choose $\delta : \mathbb{R}^n \to (0, \infty)$ such that for all $k$, there exists a point $x_k \in \mathbb{R}^n$ such that $\delta(x_k) < \delta_k(x_k)$. Then it is straightforward to check that $B(0, \delta)$ does not contain any of the sets $B(0, \delta_k)$, so in particular $0 \in V$ does not admit a countable neighborhood basis.

Note that similar arguments can be used to show that the three topologies are distinct for any vector bundle $E$ (except for trivial cases).

I don't have a great answer for what the most natural topology on $\Gamma(E)$ is. It seems there are several different topologies which are useful in different situations, analogous to the way that many different function spaces in analysis are useful.

  • That being said, (2) is certainly not a useful topology. This should not be surprising given that the definition of (2) does not in any way depend on the vector bundle $E$.
  • The $C^\infty$-topology, sometimes called the strong $C^\infty$-topology is used, though I personally have not seen it very much. One reason it is nice is that many natural classes of maps are open in the $C^\infty$-topology; for instance, the set of immersions $\mathbb{R^n} \to \mathbb{R}^m$ is open in the space $C^\infty(\mathbb{R}^n, \mathbb{R}^m)$ with the $C^\infty$-topology.
  • A related topology (which I have seen quite often) is the $C^\infty_\mathrm{loc}$-topology, sometimes called the weak $C^\infty$-topology. This topology is best described as the topology of local uniform convergence of all derivatives. Note that the $C^\infty$-topology and the $C^\infty_\mathrm{loc}$-topology agree when the manifold $M$ is compact.
  • The $W^{k, 2}$-norm topology on the completion $W^{k, p}(E)$ of $\Gamma(E)$ is quite useful in situations where it is desirable for the space of sections to be a Banach space. In particular, when everything is a Banach space, one gets access to the inverse function theorem, which leads to a rich theory of infinite-dimensional manifolds. Infinite-dimensional manifolds can be quite useful in finite-dimensional differential geometry; e.g., they show up in symplectic geometry and gauge theory when one wants to show that certain moduli spaces are finite-dimensional smooth manifolds.
  • One can of course also define a $W^{k, p}$-norm for $1 \leq p \leq \infty$. There is also the space $W^{k, p}_\mathrm{loc}(E)$ of sections which are in $W^{k, p}$ on compact subsets, where the topology is given by $W^{k, p}$-convergence on compact subsets.
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