Three dice are thrown together. the probability that exactly two of them show the same face


Three dice are thrown together. What is the probability that exactly two of them show the same face?

I can get anything over first die…so sure event thus probability $1$.
Now in second have to get the very same number as of I got over the first die…so the probability would then be $\frac{1}{6}$ and then in the third one I have to get a number other than that on the first (…which is also same as second)..thus the probability then would be $\frac{5}{6}$.
Thus, total probability would be $\frac{5}{36}$ for one case …but we have such $^3C_2 = 3$ cases…
Thus, total probability now would be $=3.\frac{5}{36}=\frac{5}{12}$

So is my answer and arguments made right…?
If not please comment on my approach.

Best Answer

Let's first count how many ways are there for there to be at least $2$ of the same face, and then how many ways for $3$ of the same face.

For the first, we use complementary counting, as we can count the number of cases when all three dice show different values. This can happen in $_6P_3=6\cdot5\cdot4=120$ ways. So, the final result is $6^3-120=96$.

For the second, there are clearly only $6$ ways this can happen.

So, the final number of possibilities is $96-6=90$. We divide by the total number of possibilities, which is $216$, to get $$\frac5{12}$$

Hence, your answer is correct. I've just provided an alternate approach.