Think and deduce optimal strategy move for both Alice and Bob

combinatoricselementary-number-theorygame theoryrecreational-mathematics


Alice and Bob are playing a game on a one-dimensional number line. Initially, Alice is standing at coordinate $x=a$ (integer) and Bob is standing at $x=b$ (integer) .It is guaranteed that $a<b$.
Alice starts the game by playing the first move.
On a turn, a player chooses to move either 0, 2 or 3 units towards their opponent. However, the move must be different from the last move played by them. Both players have all three choices for their first move.
The game ends when either:

  • A player lands on the spot currently occupied by their opponent. The player is declared the winner in this case.
  • A player crosses their opponent and lands beyond them. The opponent is declared the winner in this case.

Given the starting positions of Alice and Bob, determine who wins the game if both of them play optimally.

My progress:
What I believed was that there might be a pattern on who might win the game giving a specific distance modulo some number. So let's say distance is $d$.

ALICE mindset: As Alice starts first, she wants to maximise all her chance of winning so she calculates all move possible in the beginning which would give her a better win chance.
As I don't have a way to think of what will happen for all the possible cases, I started with a move by Alice as 0.

BOB mindset:
Now since Bob too wants to maximise his chance of winning, so now he calculates all possible scenarios and consider the best move, I supposed he choosed also 0 .
Now next move by Alice should be either 2 or 3. I now realized that if $d$ was 5, then surely Bob would win since Alice whatever she do, Bob can just do a move of $5-$the move Alice did. So I thought maybe this would be the case for all distances of form $5k$, but I don't have a proof. If $d$ was 4, then I think Bob would win surely since 2 can be the move for A then B would do 2 too. Similarily considering for $d =1 ,2 ,3$ but not sure how to generalize for $d>5$ .

In all, my query is how to think of what's the optimal strategy for each player to follow always and why so? Also explain why the strategy of yours is optimal too.

this problem was a part of this
i am just asking the mathematical portion.

like for the case of b-a being 1 its given bob wins as well as for the case of b-a being 5 and 6. but for b-a =94 its given that alice wins
the site problem in case anyone needs:
enter image description here

"the move must be different from the last move played by them", this means they must play a move different from the last move played by them only as in if A plays 0 then in next move A can only play 2,3 , similarly for B too . as in if B move 2 then next it can only play among 0,3

**it seems like the answer is this :
for d=1 Bob wins ;

for d==2 Alice wins;

for d>=3 and d is 3, 4congruent mod 5 then Alice wins ;

for d>=3 and rest cases Bob wins . **
can anyone prove this ?

Best Answer


This question is poorly written by the author(s), since it leaves room for interpretation of the rules. The first part of this answer is based on the interpretation that "the move must be different from the last move played by them" means that apart from both player's initial moves, no player is allowed to repeat what their opponent did last move. In a second part, I will adress the reading that "the move must be different from the last move played by them" means that apart from both player's initial moves, no player is allowed to repeat what they themselves did last move. Finally, in a third part, I will adress the case where both of these apply.

Part I: no last-move copycat

Spoiler: Alice wins for $d\in \{2,3\}$, Bob wins for $d\in \{1,4,5,...\}.$

1. Implication of rules The qoq "best" way to think about this specific game is to understand the power of position, i.e. being the person to not act first, paired with the power of moving $0$, which Bob can always do turn 1, and Alice can never repeat as per rules. This is enough to deduce that Alice must win on turn 1, which is possible iff $d=2$ or $d=3$.

For all other values of $d$, Bob wins. Let's have a look at a few of them.

2. Discussion of first few cases
For $d=1$, Alice either overshoots with an initial $A2$ and $A3$, or prolongs her game by opening $A0$, when Bob in turn elects the play the sequence $\{A0-B0-AX\}$, forcing Alice to overshoot. (Note that from a strategical point of view, all of Alice's opening moves are optimal, as they all loose by force; practically however, $A0$ is preferable since it allows Bob to play suboptimally.)

For $d=4$, we have
$\{A3-B0-AX\},$ where Alice overshoots, or
$\{A2-B2\}$, where Bob lands, or
$\{A0-B2-A0-B2\}$ and $\{A0-B2-AX\}$. Bob wins.

For $d=5$, we have what you described, $\{A0-B0-A2-B3\}$ or $\{A0-B0-A3-B2\}.$

For $d\gt5$, the recurring scheme is that Bob can force Alice into a line described above.

F.e. for $d=6$, we have the simple $\{A3-B3\}$ for opener $A3$, $\{A2-B2-AX\}$ or $\{A2-B2-A0-B2\}$ for opener $A2$, and for opener $A0$ we have $\{A0-B3-A2-B0-AX\}$ or $\{A0-B3-A0-B3\}$. Bob wins.

For $d=7$, we either have prefix $\{A0-B0-A2-B0-\}$ and now $d=5$, with Alice to act and no $0$-move at hand, or we have prefix $\{A0-B0-A3-B0-\}$ and now $d=4$, again with Alice to act and no $A0$-move at hand. Alice may thus not open with $A0$. But opening with $A2$ brings herself directly into $d=5$, which is a win for Bob, since he can play $B0$, and opening $A3$ brings herself into $d=4$, which we saw earlier is also a win for Bob.

For $d=8$, which should be the last case of interest, since it's Alice's $d=3(+5)$, we have straight away that both $A3$ and $A2$ lead to $d=5$ and $d=6$ respectively, where Bob has a win as seen before. Again however, Alice cannot force Bob into such lines with roles reversed with $A0$, since Bob can answer with $B0$, effectively re-reversing roles.

3. Conclusion Alice can thus never force Bob into "her" two winning cases $d=2$ and $d=3$, because Bob can prevent this by playing $B0$. In fact, Bob can continuously play $B0$ and let Alice close the distance with $A2$ and $A3$ until $4\le d\le 6$ when Bob either snaps the win or forces Alice to overshoot as seen above. This is in line with the observation that Alice must win with her initial move, otherwise Bob has a win. So in short, Bob in last position can always move when they are in a Bob's endgame line and always pass otherwise, effectively revearsing roles, or strategy-stealing.

Part II: no second-to-last-move copycat

Spoiler: Alice wins for $d\in \{2,3,4\}$ and in $(d\equiv 4\mod5).$ Bob wins for $d\in \{1,5,6,7,8,10...\}.$

This game is what the author(s) must have had in mind, since $d=94$ is indeed a win for Alice. Interestingly, it comes with a new strategic option for Bob, which is to reduce to $d\in \{2,3\}$ when Alice is prevented from finishing due to her last move having been what is required. This allows Bob to steer into wins when $(d\equiv 2 \mod5, d\gt5)$. Notably for $(d\equiv 3,4\mod 5)$ however, Alice wins.

1. Discussion of first few cases

For $d=1$, we have again $\{A0-B0-AX\}$, and Bob wins.

For $d \in \{2,3\}$, Alice wins turn $1$.

For $d=4$, Alice wins with $\{A3-B0-A0-BX\}$ where she forces Bob into overshooting.

For $d=5$, again no changes, still $\{A0-B0-A3-B2\}$ and $\{A0-B0-A2-B3\}$ for a win for Bob.

For $d=6$, we have the trivial $\{A3-B3\}$, so Alice can't open $A3$. For $A2$, we have $\{A2-B3-A0-B0-AX\}$ where Bob brings $d$ down to $1$ and forces Alice to overshoot. For $A0$ lastly, Bob repeats with $B0$, denying the revearsing of roles and forcing Alice to open into $d \in \{3,4\}$. Note that Bob didn't play $B0$ turn $2$ before, which validates the prefix $\{A0-B0-...\}$.

For $d=7$, we have $\{A3-B3-A0-B0-AX\}$ where Bob reduces to $d=1$, and $\{A2-B3-A0-B2\}$, where Bob reduces to $d=2$ at a time when Alice can't close the game with $A2$, as this was her last move. This is the above-mentioned strategical play for Bob in position, and it highlights the power of position. For the $A0$ opening, note again that Bob is safe playing $B0$, since his follow-up do not need him to play a second turn $B0$ again, validating the prefix $\{A0-B0-...\}$. So $\{A0-B0-A2-B3-A0-B2\}$ and $\{A0-B0-A3-B3-A0-B0-AX\}.$

For $d=8$, Alice wins with $A2$, reducing to $d=6$ while holding the option of $A0$ next turn. Against $A2$, if Bob plays $B2$ and reduces to $d=4$, Alice can force Bob to overshoot in sequence $\{A2-B2-A3-B0-A0-BX\}.$ Against Bob's $B3$, Alice wins immediately with $\{A2-B3-A3\}.$ Lastly, should Bob reply with $B0$, Alice is now in position to re-revearse with $\{A2-B0-A0-B2-A3-B0-A0-BX\}$ or $\{A2-B0-A0-B3-A3\}.$ So, Alice wins for $d=8$ and for all $(d\equiv 3\mod5,d \gt5)$
For $d=9$ and in fact all $(d\equiv 4\mod 5)$, Alice wins.

2. Conclusion
The interpretation that the players may not repeat their own last move, i.e. the second to last move overall, helps Bob in position, in that it opens Bob up to reduce to $d \in \{2,3\}$ exactly when Alice is forced by the rules to play a move different from what's required to land on Bob's spot. However, Alice wins for initial $(d\equiv 3,4\mod 5)$, as well as initial $d \in \{2,3\}$ where Alice wins turn $1$.

This result is in line with your assumption.

Part III: neither second-to-last-move nor last move copycat

Spoiler: Alice wins for $d\in\{2,3\}$ and for $(d\equiv 1,2 \mod 5, d\gt5)$.

It should be clear that the game is the same as the first one for $d \in \{1,2,3,4,5\}$. So, what about $d\gt5$?

For $d=6$, trivial is $\{A3-B3\}$. Against $A2$ however, Bob loses by force with all his replies, $\{A2-B3-A0-B2\},\{A2-B2-A0-B3\},\{A2-B0-A3-B2\}.$
This now highlights that starting with Bob's first move, we have repeating $3$-cycles, reducing to $d-5$ over three plies. Alice wins games where $(d \equiv 1 \mod 5, d \ge 2).$

For $d=7$, we have the same when Alice reduces to $d=4$ again, now with $A3$. We have $\{A3-B3-A0-B2\}$ and Bob overshoots, $\{A3-B2-A0-B3\}$ also overshooting, $\{A3-B0-A2-B3\}$ again overshooting. Alice wins games where $(d \equiv 2 \mod 5, d \ge 5).$

For $d=8$, Bob wins by completing to $5$ in $\{A3-B2-A0-B3\}$ and in $\{A2-B3-A0-B2-A3\}$ where Alice overshoots. Alice also loses with an initial $A0$ on the base of prefix $\{A0-B0-...\}$. Bob wins games where $(d \equiv 3 \mod 5, d \ge 5).$

For $d=9$, Bob wins with $\{A3-B3-A2-B0-AX\}$ and $\{A3-B3-A0-B2-AX\}$ against $A3$, and against $A2$ with $\{A2-B3-A0-B2-AX\}.$ The prefix case $\{A0-B0\}$ splits into the trivial tail against $A2$ with $\{A0-B0-A2-B3-A0-B2-AX\}$ and into the restricted case of $\{A0-B0-A3-B2-A0-B3-AX\}$ where Bob could not play $B3$ turn $2$ as opposed to above, but still wins. Bob wins games where $(d \equiv 4 \mod 5, d \ge 5).$

Bob also wins games where $d \equiv 0 \mod 5, d \ge 2$, since he can simply complete to $5$ or play our double pass-prefix.

2. Conclusion Since the game turns into cycles from turn $2$, Bob can no more prevent Alice from revearsing roles; instead, Alice now has options to steer the game into favourable endgames. That is, Alice wins for $d\in\{2,3\}$ and for $(d\equiv 1,2 \mod 5, d\gt5)$, Bob wins the rest.

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