There exist infinitely many prime numbers $p≥2$ and there exist positive integers $k,m$ such that $k^2+1=p+m$

number theorypolynomialsprime numbers

I am asking about the validity of the following conjecture:

Conjecture: There exist infinitely many prime numbers $p≥2$ and there exist positive integers $k,m$ such that $k^2+1=p+m$ with $1≤m≤p-1$.

However, I am not able to prove or disprove it.

Best Answer

Following from the comment by Mike Daas that you are asking whether a number $k^2$ falls among $p,\dots 2p-2$: For any suitably large square number $k^2$, we can always pick the largest prime number $p_k<k^2$.

Assume that $k^2>2p_k-2$. Bertrand's postulate assures us that for suitably large $p$, there is at least one prime number in any interval $(p,2p-2)$. So if $k^2$ is not in the interval $(p_k,2p_k-2)$, then there is another prime number in that interval that is smaller than $k^2$, and $p_k$ is not the largest prime smaller than $k^2$. In other words, every suitably large $k^2$ falls in an interval $(p,2p-2)$.

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