Theorem 46.8 Munkres Topology


In the proof of Theorem 46.8 Munkres Topology following is claimed (not exact copy but exact interpretation)

If A is any compact subset of a metric space Y and V is any open subset of Y containing A then there is a $\epsilon>0 $ such that the $\epsilon-$neighborhood of A is contained in V.

The mentioned claim is true provided $d(A, X-V) >0$ is positive. 1- But how to prove that? And 2- how any open set containing a compact set is a proper superset?

Best Answer

As Brian M. Scott stated, the function $f: A \to \mathbb R$ sending $x$ to $d(x, Y \setminus V)$ is continuous on $A$ and $A$ is compact, so $f$ attains its minimum on $A$, at say $x \in A$. But if $d(x, Y \setminus V) = 0$, this means there exists a sequence of elements $\{y_n\}_{n \in \mathbb N}$ in $Y \setminus V$ satisfying $d(x,y_n) \to 0$. Since $Y \setminus V$ is closed, this implies $x \in Y \setminus V$, a contradiction since $A \subseteq V$. Therefore, we can pick $\varepsilon = \frac{d(x,Y \setminus V)}2$ to get an $\varepsilon$-neighborhood $U$ of $A$ contained in $V$. By definition, $d(U, Y \setminus V) = \frac{d(x, Y \setminus V)}2 > 0$, so $U$ is contained in $V$.

You won't be able to prove that $A \subsetneq U$ because it's not true in some cases. Take the example of $Y$ finite and discrete; $\varepsilon$-neighborhoods of $A$ are just $A$ for $\varepsilon$ small enough (smaller than any distance between any two distinct points, for example).

Hope that helps,