Theorem 2, Section 7.1 of Hoffman’s Linear Algebra

companion-matriceslinear algebraminimal-polynomialsproof-explanation

Definition: Suppose $p=x^k+\sum_{i=0}^{k-1}a_i\cdot x^i\in F[x]$ is a monic polynomial. Then companion matrix of $p$ is $$\begin{bmatrix} & & & -a_0\\ 1& & &-a_1\\ &\ddots & & \vdots \\ & & 1& -a_{k-1}\\ \end{bmatrix}\in M_{k\times k}(F)$$

If $U$ is a linear operator on the finite-dimensional space $W$, then $U$ has a cyclic vector if and only if there is some ordered basis for $W$ in which $U$ is represented by the companion matrix of the minimal polynomial
for $U$.

Proof: We have just observed that if $U$ has a cyclic vector, then there is such an ordered basis for $W$. Conversely, if we have some ordered basis $\{\alpha_1,…,\alpha_k\}$ for $W$ in which $U$ is represented by the companion matrix of its minimal polynomial, it is obvious that $\alpha_1$ is a cyclic vector for $U$.

Que: Let $\dim (W)=k$ and $U:W\to W$ be a linear operator. Let $m$ be minimal polynomial of $U$. Then $\deg (m)\leq k$. If $\deg (m)\lt k$, then matrix representation of $U$ with respect to some basis equal to companion matrix of $m$ don’t make sense, or is it?

Best Answer

Indeed, it is well known, and quite obvious (look what $Q[M](e_1)$ is when $\deg(Q)\leq{k}$), that the minimal polynomial of a companion matrix$~M$ of $P$ is $P$ itself; in particular its degree equals the dimension of the vector space acted upon. Since the minimal polynomial is a property of a linear operator, it must be the same for any matrix of the operator, so by contrapositive, if the degree of the minimal polynomial of a linear operator is strictly less than the dimension of the space, it cannot have a companion matrix on any base.

The converse is also true: if the degree of the minimal polynomial of a linear operator equals the dimension of the space (so that the minimal polynomial itself coincides with the characteristic polynomial), then there exists a cyclic vector and so a basis for which the matrix it the companion matrix of the minimal polynomial. There are several ways to characterise this situation.