Probability – Conjecture: Probability That a Pentagram Contains the Circle’s Centre is 3/8


The vertices of a pentagram are five uniformly random points on a circle.

Is the following conjecture true: The probability that the pentagram contains the circle's centre is $\frac38$.

(The pentagram is said to contain the circle's centre if the central pentagon, or any of the five triangles adjecent to the central pentagon, contains the circle's centre.)

A simulation with $10^7$ such random pentagrams yielded a proportion of $0.3750079\approx1.00002\times\frac38$ containing the circle's centre. Thus, my conjecture.

How to set up a simulation

Let the circle be $x^2+y^2=1$ with centre $O\space(0,0)$.

Assume the first random point is $(1,0)$ and let the other four random points be, going anticlockwise from $(1,0)$: $(\cos\theta_1,\sin\theta_1)$, $(\cos\theta_2,\sin\theta_2)$, $(\cos\theta_3,\sin\theta_3)$, $(\cos\theta_4,\sin\theta_4)$.

Let $A,B,C,D,E$ be the five regions in the circle and outside the pentagram, going anticlockwise starting with the region between $(1,0)$ and $(\cos\theta_1,\sin\theta_1)$.

enter image description here

  • $O$ lies in $A$ if and only if $\theta_2>\pi,$ and $\theta_4-\theta_1<\pi$.
  • $O$ lies in $B$ if and only if $\theta_2>\pi,$ and $\theta_3-\theta_1>\pi$.
  • $O$ lies in $C$ if and only if $\theta_3-\theta_1>\pi$, and $\theta_4-\theta_2>\pi$.
  • $O$ lies in $D$ if and only if $\theta_3<\pi,$ and $\theta_4-\theta_2>\pi$.
  • $O$ lies in $E$ if and only if $\theta_3<\pi,$ and $\theta_4-\theta_1<\pi$.

The pentagram contains $O$ just if $O$ lies in none of $A,B,C,D,E$.

If my conjecture is true, then, given the simplicity of the probability, there might be a proof based on some kind of symmetry.

Best Answer

Fix some circle (e.g. unit circle as a 1D variety), and a probability measure on it. The probability space we start with is the one of all $P=(P_0,P_1,P_2,P_3,P_4)$ tuples of five points on the circle. Denote this configuration space by $C(5)$. Measure on spaces (derived from probability spaces) will always have total mass zero. Let $\Pi=\Pi(P)=\Pi(P_0,P_1,P_2,P_3,P_4)$ be the "solid" area / set of points obtained in the following manner.

  • Consider one of the points among the five, denote it by $A_0$, then define $A_1,A_2,A_3,A_4$ to be the points so that as sets $\{A_k\ : k\}$ and $\{P_k\ : k\}$ are equal, and so that the $A$-points come in cyclic trigonometric order (anti-clockwise) on the circle.
  • Let $C_0(5)$ be the space of such $A$-configurations. If i correctly understood which probability should be computed, the event we want to measure is factorizing through this step.
  • For $A=(A_0,A_1,A_2,A_3,A_4)$ in $C_0(5)$ let $\Pi(A)$ be the "star" delimited the following five half-spaces:
    • the half-space delimited by $A_0A_2$ which does not contain $A_1$, but contains $A_3,A_4$
    • and its "cyclic cousins", determined by $A_{k-1}A_{k+1}$, but not containing $A_k$. (Indices are taken modulo five.)
  • It may be useful for a bonus to also have a notation for the "inner pentagon", which is the intersection of these half-spaces, we use $\Pi^*(A)$ for it.
  • Set $\Pi(P)=\Pi(A)$, $\Pi^*(P)=\Pi^*(A)$.
  • Because of rotational symmetry, we can work in the configuration space of tuples $A$ where $A_0$ is fixed.
  • We will work now with the circle of length $2$, so that $A_0=0$, and $A_1,A_2,A_3,A_4$ are (identified with) points in this order in the interval $[0,2]$ (instead of $[0,2\pi]$, denote this new configuration space by $\Delta(5)$. (It is a part of a $4$-dimensional simplex.) It will be convenient to write $x_0,x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4)$ for an element in this space.

We will write below some integrals on configuration spaces, the mass will be omitted, (so we simply write $\int f$ as a "functional in $f$" instead of the measure theoretical notation $\int f\; d\mu$). The passage from one configuration space to the other is done by the transport formula.

Then we can compute the probability $p$ that $O$ is inside $\Pi(P)$.

The complement, opposite event is the one where $O$ is in one of the regions denote by OP as "region $A,B,C,D,E$". Each such region has the same probability to contain $O$, and exactly one contains it. By rotational symmetry we compute the probability $q$ that $O$ is in the "wrong half-space" w.r.t. both lines $A_0A_2$ and $A_1A_3$, i.e. that the corresponding chords/segments have lengths $\ge 1$. The probability $q$ is thus: $$ \begin{aligned} q & =\int_{C(5)}1_{O\text{ in region $A$ w.r.t. }\Pi(P)} \\ &=\int_{C_0(5)}1_{O\text{ in region $A$ w.r.t. }\Pi(A)} \\ &=\int_{\Delta(5)}1_{O\text{ in region $A$ w.r.t. }x} \\ &=\int_{\Delta(5)}1_{\substack{ 0=x_0\le x_1\le x_2\le x_3\le x_4\le 2\\ x_2-x_0 \ge 1\\ x_3-x_1 \ge 1 }} \\ &= \frac {\operatorname{Volume} \left( \begin{split} x\ :\ 0=x_0\le x_1\le x_2\le x_3\le x_4\le 2 \\ 1\le x_2\\ 0\le x_1\le 1\\ 1+x_1, x_2\le x_3\le 2\\ x_3\le x_4\le 2 \end{split} \right)} {\operatorname{Volume}(x\ :\ 0=x_0\le x_1\le x_2\le x_3\le x_4\le 2)} \\ &= \frac 1{2^4/4!} \int_1^2 dx_2 \int_0^1dx_1 \int_{\max(1+x_1, x_2)}^2dx_3 \int_{x_3}^2dx_4 \\ &= \frac 1{2^4/4!} \int_1^2 dx_2 \int_0^{x_2-1}dx_1 \int_{x_2}^2dx_3 \int_{x_3}^2dx_4 + \frac 1{2^4/4!} \int_1^2 dx_2 \int_{x_2-1}^1dx_1 \int_{1+x_1}^2dx_3 \int_{x_3}^2dx_4 \\ &= \frac 1{2^4/4!} \int_1^2 dx_2 \int_0^{x_2-1}dx_1 \int_{x_2}^2(2-x_3)\;dx_3 + \frac 1{2^4/4!} \int_1^2 dx_2 \int_{x_2-1}^1dx_1 \int_{1+x_1}^2(2-x_3)\;dx_3 \\ &= \frac 1{2^4/4!} \int_1^2 dx_2 \int_0^{x_2-1}\frac 12(2-x_2)^2\;dx_1 + \frac 1{2^4/4!} \int_1^2 dx_2 \int_{x_2-1}^1\frac 12(1-x_1)^2\;dx_1 \\ &= \frac 1{2^4/4!} \int_1^2 \frac 12(2-x_2)^2(x_2-1)\;dx_2 + \frac 1{2^4/4!} \int_1^2 \frac 16(2-x_2)^3\;dx_2 \\ &= \frac 1{2^4/4!} \left(\frac 1{24}+\frac 1{24}\right) = \frac{24}{16}\cdot \frac 2{24} =\frac 2{16}=\frac 18\ . \end{aligned} $$ This leads to the value of the wanted probability $p$: $$ \bbox[lightyellow]{\qquad p=1-5q=1-\frac 58=\frac 38\ .\qquad} $$

Bonus: Let us also compute the probability $p^*$ that $O$ is in the inner pentagon $\Pi^*$. $$ \begin{aligned} p^* & =\int_{C(5)}1_{O\in \Pi(P)} =\int_{C_0(5)}1_{O\in \Pi(A)} =\int_{\Delta(5)}1_{\substack{ 0=x_0\le x_1\le x_2\le x_3\le x_4\le 2\\ x_2-x_0 \le 1\\ x_3-x_1 \le 1\\ x_4-x_2 \le 1\\ 2 - x_3 \le 1\\ 2+x_1-x_4\le 1 }} \\ &= \frac {\operatorname{Volume}\left( \begin{split} x\ :\ 0=x_0\le x_1\le x_2\le x_3\le x_4\le 2 \\ x_2\le 1\\ x_3-x_1 \le 1\\ x_4-x_2 \le 1\\ 2 - x_3 \le 1\\ 2+x_1-x_4\le 1 \end{split} \right)} {\operatorname{Volume}(x\ :\ 0=x_0\le x_1\le x_2\le x_3\le x_4\le 2)} \\ &= \frac 1{2^4/4!} \int_{x_2\in[0,1]}dx_2 \int_{x_1\in[0,x_2]}dx_1 \int_{x_3\in[1,1+x_1]}dx_3 \int_{x_4\in[1+x_1,1+x_2]}dx_4 \\ &= \frac 1{2^4/4!} \int_{x_2\in[0,1]}dx_2 \int_{x_1\in[0,x_2]}dx_1 \cdot x_1(x_2-x_1) = \frac 1{2^4/4!} \int_{x_2\in[0,1]}\frac 16x2^3\;dx_2 \\ &=\frac 1{2^4/4!}\cdot\frac 1{4!}=\frac 1{2^4}=\frac 1{16}\ . \end{aligned} $$

Simulation: We let $x$ be a random configuration with five components, one of them equal to zero, in the interval $[0,2]$, and check that no two consecutive cords have length bigger one. The code runs through the sage interpreter.

import random

TRIALS = 10**6
count = 0    # we count successes, so far none 
x0 = 0

for trial in range(TRIALS):
    ok = True
    x1, x2, x3, x4 = [random.uniform(0, 2) for k in [1,2,3,4]]
    x1, x2, x3, x4 = sorted([x1, x2, x3, x4])
    pattern = [x2 - x0 > 1, x3 - x1 > 1, x4 - x2 > 1,
                2 - x3 > 1, 2+x1 - x4 > 1]
    for k in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]:
        if pattern[k] and pattern[(k + 1)%5]:
            ok = False    # and do not count
    if ok:
        count += 1

print(f"Monte-Carlo simulation: p ~ {count} / {TRIALS} = {count/TRIALS.n()}")

(The pattern is something like the sample [False, False, False, True, True], and shows True in the bad case of a chord bigger one. The decision to not count is when two cyclically consecutive True values occur.

And this time i've got:

Monte-Carlo simulation: p ~ 374674 / 1000000 = 0.374674000000000
sage: 3./8.

We can modify the do-not-count condition to also simulate $p^*$, by just testing that there is no True entry in the pattern, so ok = True not in pattern, a one liner.

import random

TRIALS = 10**6
count = 0    # we count successes, so far none 
x0 = 0

for trial in range(TRIALS):
    x1, x2, x3, x4 = sorted([random.uniform(0, 2) for k in [1,2,3,4]])
    pattern = [x2 - x0 > 1, x3 - x1 > 1, x4 - x2 > 1,
                2 - x3 > 1, 2+x1 - x4 > 1]
    if True not in pattern:
        count += 1

print(f"Monte-Carlo simulation: p* ~ {count} / {TRIALS} = {count/TRIALS.n()}")

And this time i've got:

Monte-Carlo simulation: p* ~ 62733 / 1000000 = 0.0627330000000000
sage: 1./16

Which supports the computed result in the bonus part...

The moral is that "similar probabilities" (using possibly more points, and special patterns of the position of the center $O$ w.r.t. the sides and diagonals of the cyclically ordered polygon) are volumes of polyhedra (in more dimensions), and can be computed via Fubini as above.

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