The value of the following limit: $\lim\limits_{n\to \infty} 4^n(1-a_n)$ where $a_{n+1} = {\sqrt{\frac{1+a_n}{2}}}$


I have the following recursive $(a_n)_{n>0}$ sequence defined with $a_{n+1} = {\sqrt{\frac{1+a_n}{2}}}$ and where $-1 \leqslant a_n \leqslant 1$.
And I must calculate the following:

$$\lim\limits_{n\to \infty} 4^n\left(1-a_n\right)$$

I tried figuring it out with proving that the sequence is decreasing, but I could not prove it with any way. The limit calculated is clearly $\,1\,$, but it just give the case of $\,\infty\cdot0\,$ which is not very helpful. I can think of the Cesaro-Stolz theorem maybe as a starting point, but could not work it out.

Thank you in advance for helping out!

Best Answer

As Christophe pointed out, we can set $\;\theta=\arccos a_1\in[0,\pi]\;.$

First of all, we will prove by induction that

$a_n=\cos\left(\dfrac\theta{2^{n-1}}\!\right)\;\;$ for any $\;n\in\mathbb N\,.\quad\color{blue}{(*)}$

Base case :
if $\;n=1\,,\;$ we get that $\;a_1=\cos\theta=\cos\left(\dfrac\theta{2^0}\!\right)\;,$
hence $\,(*)\,$ is true for $\,n=1\,.$

Induction step :
let $\,k\in\Bbb N\,$ be given and suppose $\,(*)\,$ is true for $\,n=k\,.$


Thus, $\,(*)\,$ holds for $\,n=k+1\,$ and the proof of the induction step is complete.
By the principle of induction, $\,(*)\,$ is true for all $\,n\in\Bbb N\,.$

Now, we will calculate the limit




$=2\big(\!\arccos a_1\!\big)^2\,.$