The usefulness of classification into Transcedental and Algebraic numbers


Classification into rationals and irrationals makes complete sense because irrational numbers seem to be completely different from rational numbers, which are terminating or repeating.

We know that all irrational numbers have non-terminating non-repeating repeating decimal expansions, then why is there need for separating numbers which are roots of polynomial equations and those who aren't?

Is there anything special in the decimal expansion of pi which the decimal expansion of root 2 doesn't have?

Could this be true that all non-transcedental irrationals can be expressed by a terminating formula in terms of radicals, rationals and arithmetic operations while transcedentals can't be? If this is true, then classification into non-transcedental irrationals and transcedentals will make sense.

EDIT- But alphacapture points out in the comments that that isn't true because polynomial equations of degree greater than 4 have no solution formula in terms of radicals. So, to me, the solution of a degree 8 polynomial equation seems to be as weird as pi, but according to maths, pi is supposed to be weirder because it's 'transcedental' and so somehow inherently differs from roots of polynomial equations.

Best Answer

Transcendental numbers are numbers that cannot be defined in the language of algebra. Their existence shows that the basic concepts of arithmetic are not enough to fully describe all of the phenomena that occur in the real numbers.

Polynomials are precisely the formulae in one variable that can be written down using only addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Yes, they can be written as a sum of monomials, and this is a useful canonical form, but that makes for a poor definition, despite the fact that it's repeated as such endlessly by high school teachers and even most university-level sources. Thus, a polynomial equation with rational coefficients is just any equation that can be written down using the rational numbers and the $+$ and $\cdot$ signs. Of course by using negative coefficients, this also lets us use $-$ if we like. Furthermore, an equation that also uses division can always be reduced to the form $\frac {P(x)} {Q(x)}=0$, where $P$ and $Q$ are polynomials, and from there to $P(x)=0$, so if $x$ solves an equation involving division, it also solves an equation without division. And finally, any rational number can always be written using the four arithmetic operations and the numbers $0$ and $1$.

Thus, one definition for an algebraic number is a number which satisfies a formula written using only $+, -,\cdot,\div, 0, 1$, and $=$. If we consider this alphabet (and associated grammar) to be the "language of algebra", then such a formula can be taken as a definition of that number written in that language. $\sqrt 2$ can be given such a definition. $\pi$ is usually defined by making reference to geometry, and what its transcendence means is that we need geometry (or at least something bigger than algebra) to define it. A transcendental number is one such that the only predicates written in the language of algebra that the number verifies are the trivial predicates verified by all numbers, like $x+x=2x$.

You might object that something like $x^2=2$ doesn't really define $\sqrt 2$, since after all that equation is also true for $-\sqrt 2$. This is true, and in fact this insight eventually leads to Galois theory. The numbers $\sqrt 2$ and $-\sqrt 2$ cannot be distinguished using algebra and the rational numbers, in much the same way that $\pi$ cannot be defined using algebra and the rational numbers. In Galois theory we have the notion of conjugate numbers over a given field $F$, which are numbers which cannot be distinguished "from the point of view of $F$". This means that any sentence written in the "language of $F$" is either true for both elements, or true for neither. In turns out that there's always a fundamental "minimal sentence" - the minimal polynomial - such that the conjugate numbers of $a$ are precisely all of the numbers making that sentence true. Thus we cannot do better than the minimal polynomial as a definition for $a$ in the language of $F$ - it is the sentence true for $a$ which is true for the fewest other elements.

I remember reading somewhere that there's a general notion in logic called a "transcendental element" over a language or a formal system, or something like that, which is basically exactly what I outlined above: an element which verifies no sentences in the language other than the tautologies. Someone who knows more might leave a comment or an answer.

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