The union of two simple planar graph have chromatic number $\leq 12$

discrete mathematicsgraph theory

Consider of graph $G$ being the union of two simple planar graph both on the same set of vertices. I want to show $\chi(G) \leq 12$.

Four colour theorem indicates that the chromatic number of a planar graph is less than 4, and for general graphs $\chi(G1 \cup G2) \leq \chi(G1)*\chi(G2)$. But this would only yield an upper bound of 16. Is there anything particular to planar graph that helps to reduce the bound?

Best Answer

Planar graphs satisfy $|E(G)| \le 3|V(G)|-6$, so the union of two planar graphs satisfies $|E(G)| \le 6|V(G)|-12$, which we can use to show that there is a vertex of degree less than $12$.

This leads us to a proof by induction: remove that vertex, color the rest, and then color that vertex. The inductive hypothesis applies because any subgraph of $G$ is also a union of two planar graphs: the corresponding subgraphs of $G_1$ and $G_2$.

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