The type of this differential equation

ordinary differential equations

Hello guys i am computer engineering student and i am taking differential equations class and our teacher had asked two questions question in final exam but i have never seen that type of differential equation in my life.

This is the first question , he said find the general solution of differential equation

Dif Eq question 1

$(D^4+8D^2+16)[y] =0$

and this is the second question that he asked and he said find the general solution of differential equation

Dif Eq question 2

$(D^2-3D+2)[y] = \frac {1}{1+e^-x}$

Can anyone help me guys , i really need to learn what is this and how to solve that type of differential equations. I hope i have explained my question well.

Best Answer

The $D^n$ just refers to the $n'th$ derivative of $y$ with respect to $x$.

So the first equation is just: $$y''''+8y''+16y=0$$

Which is a linear homogenous ordinary differential equation. To solve this let $y=e^{\gamma x}$ and you'll be left with a quadratic characteristic equation if you can't solve that drop a comment or do some research on 'linear homogenous ODE's'.

Similarly, the second equation is going to be: $$y''-3y'+2y=\frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}$$

which is a linear nonhomogeneous ordinary differential equation. Solved almost exactly the same way however in this case, you will also have to find a particular solution (due to the inhomogeneity). Without having solved it yet myself, I would say to use the variation of parameters method to solve the particular solution.

Hope that answers your question!

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